When you have a big event, meeting, or presentation on the horizon, you’re filled with anticipation – and nerves. What coaching and energy healing tools can you use to make sure you are totally prepared and perform at your optimum on the day? Tapping Your K27 Points Take your index finger and thumb and place […]
Posts Tagged ‘Energy Healing’
How & Where To Tap Your Meridian Points To Reduce Nervousness & Anxiety
September 23rd, 2015 Awake Goy
Biophotonics – The Science Behind Energy Healing
September 20th, 2015 Awake Goy
20th September 2015 By Katrin Geist Guest Writer for Wake Up World I’m in a wonderful position: I may witness people’s wellbeing improve, sometimes dramatically, while practicing Reconnective Healing. Watching them come in with pain and leave without it, dance through the room trying out movements they couldn’t do in months, or get up saying: “I’m not depressed anymore!”, […]