We’re erroneously told that we all need to get electric cars soon or else the environment is going to be ruined, but what will these cars do to our biology? Link Share now! Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘emitted’
Frightening Levels of Non-Ionizing Radiation Being Emitted From Electric Cars
Frightening Levels of Non-Ionizing Radiation Being Emitted From Electric Cars
We’re erroneously told that we all need to get electric cars soon or else the environment is going to be ruined, but what will these cars do to our biology? Link Share now! Source Views: 0
Former U.S. Gov’t Official Concludes High Probability that RF Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones Cause s Brain Tumors
Former U.S. Gov’t Official Concludes High Probability that RF Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones Causes Brain Tumors Activist Post / Activist Post By B.N. Frank Government, independent and industry funded research has determined that exposure to cell phone radiation can at least increase cancer risk (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Another expert […]
One lava field eruption just emitted more climate change aerosols than all 28 European countries COMBINED
(Natural News) There is no doubt that human activity is hurting our planet, whether it’s all the plastic winding up in our oceans or widespread deforestation. However, it’s a bit inaccurate to pin all the blame on people, particularly when it comes to issues like climate change and carbon dioxide emissions. Besides the fact that […]
What Did You See First? Your Answer Determines What Type Of Person You Are
These certain kinds of tests are able to determine just what kind of personality type you really are. It’s able to judge your decision making on whether you see the back of a young woman’s head, or the face of an elderly man. Deciding which one you saw first can determine just what kind of […]
Smash, bulldoze, erase: ISIS releases new video of Palmyra antiquities’ destruction
The video allegedly released by one of Islamic State’s (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) websites, was shot in the form of a documentary. First it shows militants smashing ancient statues on the ground and then come the mummies, which the extremists later bulldoze. A strategically important location, Palmyra had been in jihadist hands since May 2015. The […]