Two of the slides used by German chemistry professors Gerald Dyker and Jörg Matysik in their now famous interview on the variable toxicity of different batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine have been seen around the world: (1) the graph from the Danish study, showing enormous differences in toxicity between ‘blue,’ ‘green,’ and ‘yellow’ batches, and […]
Posts Tagged ‘ehrlich’
Regulator or Enabler? Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Institute and the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine
‘60 Minutes’ Rings In the New Year With Warning From Eugenicist Paul Ehrlich: “2023 Is the Year Most of Us Will Die”
CBS’s “60 Minutes” welcomed the new year with a doomsday message from eugenicist Paul Ehrlich, who declared that most people will die in the coming months. It should be noted that Ehrlich has been wrong […] The post ‘60 Minutes’ Rings In the New Year With Warning From Eugenicist Paul Ehrlich: “2023 Is the Year […]