In a world increasingly governed by our desire to eat more nutritiously, live more healthfully, and consume more responsibly, deciding what’s for dinner can be a tricky endeavor indeed. Health food trends, like fashion trends, rise and fall at increasing speeds, so that yesterday’s humble leaf becomes today’s kingly kale, seemingly overnight. We wait for […]
Posts Tagged ‘easily’
It’s Not A Weed! This Health-Boosting Plant Can’t Be Found In A Grocery Store
Venezuela collapses into food police state; biometric scanning into government database now required to purchase food
(NaturalNews) It was nicknamed the “Fingerprints for Food” program, but it represented a dire new twist in the ongoing struggle for the socialist Venezuelan government to provide basic nourishment and products for its citizens. As reported by the Miami Herald in May 2014, President Nicolas Maduro ordered the implementation of biometrics to allow […]
After denying the problem for years, EPA finally orders barrier to block underground fire from reaching 100,000 tons of nuclear waste near St. Louis
(NaturalNews) During 2016, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was busy covering up its mistakes in the Gold King Mine cleanup disaster in Colorado – which polluted waterways in three states – and while jailing others who committed environmental crimes less serious than the agency’s own SNAFUs, it managed to also ignore what […]
After releasing toxic pollution into rivers with zero accountability, the EPA convicts 185 other Americans for ‘environmental crimes’
(NaturalNews) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) performed its duties aggressively this year, handing out a number of prison sentences and multi-million dollar fines to polluters. However, the agency failed to apply its enforcement techniques to its own employees and the contractors responsible for a massive toxic spill caused during the botched Gold King […]
Seymour Hersh: US Military Chiefs Support Assad In Fight Against ISIL
In an interview with Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman, Seymour Hersh says that US military chiefs had undermined president Obama on Syria. The Pulitzer price winning journalist said that the Joint Chiefs of Staff were indirectly supporting Bashar al-Assad in an effort to help him defeat their common enemy, and the jihadist groups operating in Syria. […]
Arrests, assaults & death threats: UN experts slam treatment of human rights defenders in Palestine
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says human rights defenders in the region are being subjected to abuse, arrest, detention and harassment by the Israeli authorities and settler elements, in what is thought to be a bid to stop their work. “Amidst a charged and violent atmosphere over past months in […]
Nutella refuses to make personalized chocolate spread jar for 5-year-old girl, Isis
“I’m really quite upset by this,” said mother of five-year-old Isis Taylor, Heather, told the Sydney Morning Herald. “You are actually making my daughter’s name dirty. You are choosing to refuse my daughter’s name in case the public refers to it negatively.” Isis’ aunt decided to take advantage of an offer to personalize large jars […]
What Americans thought of Jewish refugees on the eve of World War II
From: The results of the poll illustrated above by the useful Twitter account @HistOpinion were published in the pages of Fortune magazine in July 1938. Fewer than 5 percent of Americans surveyed at the time believed that the United States should raise its immigration quotas or encourage political refugees fleeing fascist states in Europe — the […]
What Is Wrong With The 1%?
“There is something fundamentally wrong in treating the Earth as if it were a business in liquidation.” Herman E. Daly According to the latest 2015 Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report the top 1% of wealth holders now own half of all global household wealth, much of this wealth has been concentrated in the United States and […]
Federal Court: NYPD Muslim Surveillance Program Violates Civil Rights
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals October 13, 2015 The 3rd US District Court of Appeals (DCA) has reinstated a complaint stating that the surveillance of Muslims in Jersey by the New York Police Department (NYPD) following the 9/11 attacks. An appeals judge stated a pervious decision to […]
SeaWorld Banned From Breeding Orcas After Losing Battle with PETA
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals October 13, 2015 In a shocking move, the California Coastal Commission banned SeaWorld in San Diego, California, from breeding orcas in captivity until they obtain a larger space for the 11 killer whales they already have. This decisions comes after months of […]