North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has invited South Korean President Moon Jae-in to Pyongyang in a personal letter delivered by Kim’s sister, Seoul has said. Kim’s younger sister, Kim Yo-jong, handed the letter over at a rare meeting with Moon on Saturday. She said that brother asked Moon to visit the North’s capital at […]
Posts Tagged ‘earliest’
Kim Jong-un invites South’s leader Moon at the "earliest date" possible to Pyongyang in personal letter delivered by sister
144 year earliest cold record for New York City to be broken – new 103 year record low already set
Dr. Ryan Maue has been tracking the forecasts for the Northeast, and the result is…ah, chilling. Maue says the “polar vortex” is responsible for the exceptionally cold and dry air invading the Northeast USA. Why is it so cold and dry over Midwest and Northeast U.S. ?Blame the upper-level tropospheric “polar vortex” for blasting cold, […]
Laugh today: Benefit your body, mind, and heart
Whether its Larry, Mo and Curly that tickle your funny bone or watching George Carlin, Amy Shumer, and Chris Rock standup on Youtube, there’s nothing like a fit of laughter to make this crazy world better – but there’s more. Your body, mind, and heart will benefit from that giggle-fit, too. Here are ten […]
Earliest End To The Arctic Melt Season On Record?
Real Science Sept 13, 2011 The Guardian reports : Meanwhile, back in the real world …… Print this page. Comment Rules Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Views: 0