COVID-1984: Why Has The Church Not Spoken Out? – By John Lincoln Downie SM Source – “…But in their defense, unlike when Condoleezza Rice and George Bush Jr. said that no one could have ever imagined someone would use an airplane as a weapon, this pandemic, biological war, ponzi-scheme or democide – whatever it […]
Posts Tagged ‘downie’
COVID-1984: Why Has The Church Not Spoken Out? – By John Lincoln Downie
October 26th, 2022 Awake Goy
How You Can Keep Gord Downie’s Humanitarian Efforts Alive Even After His Passing
October 19th, 2017 Awake Goy
Next Story For those of you who have no clue who Gord Downie is, you are likely either not Canadian, or were born after the 90s. Gord Downie is the front man for the iconic Canadian band, The Tragically Hip. This band lives in the hearts of millions of Canadians and they are something we […]