BY RHODA WILSON ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2022 • ( 9 COMMENTS ) “No matter how much rhetoric about progress and benefits to society is deployed in the promotion of [the Smart City] concept, it has the potential to develop into a dystopic future. Prison cities, which instead of guards, use cameras and microphones, hooked to AI algorithms counting social credit scores; characterised […]
Posts Tagged ‘doublespeak’
CrossTalking – Trumpian Doublespeak?
CrossTalking – Trumpian Doublespeak? By Trumps foreign policy could be described as doublespeak. The president doesnt have a defined policy approach even goals are difficult to discern. Is this what the Art of the Deal means? Is Trumps foreign policy making America great again, and the world safer? CrossTalking with Michael Vlahos, Daniel Faraci, […]
15 Examples of Illuminati Doublespeak
August 13, 2017 People who turn reality upside down must also turn language on its head. Black is white and white is black.In the Illuminati’s hands, language is mind control,part of their satanic dispensation, i.e. the NWO. Let’s turn language back on them. Let’s expose their terrorism, racism, hate, anti-Semitism and heterophobia. (Updated from […]
TODAY’S COLUMN: Manchester’s Staged News, Trump’s Saudi Doublespeak and NATO’s Kennel Club
In the wake of the Manchester bombing the UK have seen Tory PM Theresa May suspend the general election and deploy troops on to the streets of Britain. Is the UK experiencing a #ConservativeCoup…? And over in Brussels we have NATO cringe-worthy relaunch, where US president Donald Trump sends out mixed messages by inadvertently revealing the primary source […]
Jean Charles de Menezes family loses European court fight – British regime gets away with murder, again
The family of Jean Charles de Menezes has lost a human rights challenge over the decision not to charge any UK police officer for his fatal shooting. The Brazilian was killed at London’s Stockwell Tube in 2005 by police who mistook him for a terror suspect. The decision that there was not enough evidence […]