Robert FiskThe Independent October 13, 2011 Once upon a time, we lived in a world where democratic governments did no deals with “terrorists”. No country promoted this nonsense more than Israel. And no Israeli leader repeated the mantra so often as one B Netanyahu Esq. After all, America never “gave way” to “terrorists”. No […]
Posts Tagged ‘don’t’
Democratic governments don’t deal with terrorists – until they do
51% Don’t Want Second Term For President Obama
Ed CarsonInvestor’s Business Daily Monday, October 10, 2011 A majority of Americans now oppose giving President Obama a second term, reflecting the country’s continued weak economic performance, according to the latest IBD/TIPP survey released Monday. By 51%-41%, respondents in October picked “someone new deserves a chance” over Obama “deserves to be re-elected.” Among independents, it […]
Cain: ‘Why Don’t You Move the Demonstrations to the White House?’
Elizabeth Harrington CNS News October 10, 2011 Republican presidential nominee candidate Herman Cain called for the Occupy Wall Street protestors to relocate to the White House, in remarks he made Friday at the Family Research Council’s annual Values Voter Summit, in Washington, D.C. “When a reporter asked me the other day, well, what do you […]
Think An American Economic Resurgence Is Imminent? Don’t Be Stupid, Warns Goldman
Zero Hedge Sunday, October 9, 2011 The recent brief uptick in economic high frequency indicators got you up? Feeling like suddenly the recession can be avoided because train traffic, whose sole goal is to stock up on even more soon to be liquidated inventory, hasn’t yet collapsed? Happy by the beat in Non-farm payrolls, even […]
Don’t Let Obama Campaign Fronts Infiltrate OWS – Occupy The Fed
Join Alex Jones to strike a crushing blow against the true financial oligarchy Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, October 6, 2011 With Obama campaign front groups desperately scrambling to infiltrate and subvert the Occupy Wall Street movement and exploit it as a re-election tool for the Wall Street-financed Obama administration, joining the revolution against […]
Bernanke Discusses Occupy Wall Street I Don’t Blame Them For Protesting
YouTube October 5, 2011 “I think they’re really touching a nerve,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said Tuesday of protests on Wall Street that have inspired demonstrations from Burlington, Vt., to Los Angeles. “The nerve is that the average American understands that as a result of the greed and the recklessness and the illegal behavior on Wall […]
Don’t Let Soros Hijack Occupy Wall Street: Webster Tarpley Reports
Infowars Nightly News October 4, 2011 Webster Tarpley discusses the ongoing protests in New York. Print this page. Comment Rules 7 Responses to “Don’t Let Soros Hijack Occupy Wall Street: Webster Tarpley Reports” The protest on wall street is just the beginning of a global economic collapse – Mike (click on profile name for more […]
‘I don’t want to leave the EU’: British PM will not support a referendum on UK membership
Martin Robinson Daily Mail October 2, 2011 David Cameron and William Hague have today said they have no wish to hold a referendum on Europe as MPs are set to discuss whether there should be one. In a move that will dismay the right of the Tory party set to gather in Manchester their […]
Don’t Worry, The Federal Reserve Just Wants To Be Your “Online Friend”
The American Dream Sept 29, 2011 According to CNBC, the Federal Reserve “is planning on monitoring what you say about it on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook”. Apparently we are not supposed to be alarmed though, because as the CNBC headline states, the Federal Reserve just “wants to be your Facebook friend“. In fact, […]
Don’t Underestimate The Power of Narratives
HOW do incentives work? The answer may lie in what stories we tell ourselves. By Wan A.Hulaimi We have looked at how narratives affect the way we look in the mirror. People make up stories all the time, and I am not saying this in disparagement but as a clue to how we […]
Don’t Let Republicans Fool You
Michael BoldinTenth Amendment Center September 23, 2011 EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is Michael Boldin’s “Tenther Rant” at the end of Episode 14 of TRX: Tenther Radio, which airs live online every Wednesday at 5pm Pacific Time at Find the show on iTunes at this link. Michael will be a featured speaker at Nullify […]
Don’t mention 9/11: Ahmadinejad’s UN speech prompts diplomat walkout
Chris McGreal Guardian September 23, 2011 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, has launched a stinging attack at the United Nations on the US and other major powers as militarist, imperialist and unfit to dominate global governance. Ahmadinejad’s verbal assault on the west and Israel promoted walkouts by diplomatic delegations. US diplomats were the first to […]
Gays in military: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ formally ends
Shiv MalikGuardian September 20, 2011 An 18-year-old law that prevented serving US military personnel from disclosing that they were gay has been formally repealed. At one minute past midnight eastern time (0401 GMT), the controversial don’t ask don’t tell (DADT) law was abolished after its repeal was signed into law some nine months ago. Introduced by […]
So. Fla. Cop: “We Can Videotape You, But You Don’t Have The Right To Videotape Us”
Carlos September 17, 2011 In a police force of less than 20 officers, it’s probably not that difficult to be named Officer of the Month. Take Golden Beach police officer Robert Ruggiero – who was recently named Officer of the Month in this tiny town on the northeast corner of Miami-Dade – a […]
British PM: Migrant jobseekers who don’t learn English will be stripped of benefits
James ChapmanDaily Mail September 14, 2011 Benefits claimants who cannot speak and write English will be ordered to take language classes or have their handouts stopped for up to three years. The measure, announced by the Prime Minister and Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, is expected to apply to about 67,000 people […]
Meet your new Federal Family (and don’t use the word “government” please) (satire)
Mike AdamsNatural News Sunday, September 4, 2011 (NaturalNews) As the reputation of the U.S. government is now in shambles, the feds are turning to the same bait-and-switch tactics used by the Corn Refiners Association as they tried to rename High Fructose Corn Syrup to the more innocent sounding “corn sugar.” The federal government no longer […]
Don’t call early election, Beattie tells Bligh
Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie has warned Anna Bligh against calling an early election. Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie has told his successor to hold on “as long as possible” before calling the next state election. Mr Beattie, who handed over the reins to his deputy Anna Bligh in 2007, also voiced confidence that Labor […]
Don’t Drug my Child or I’ll Shoot!
Fox Business September 1, 2011 Detroit mother Maryanne Godbaldo is cleared of criminal charges related to her effort to prevent Child Services from physically taking her child. Watch the latest video at Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the […]
State Department: Don’t Invade Privacy of Cleric on CIA Kill List
Catherine HerridgeFox News August 30, 2011 COMMENT: Of course they won’t release documents; he’s their guy… While the New Mexico-born cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, is the first American on the CIA’s kill or capture list, the U.S. State Department refuses to release documents about al-Awlaki citing his right to privacy. This disconnect was uncovered as […]
Ron Paul: Why We Don’t Need FEMA
Fox News Sunday Monday, August 29, 2011 Ron Paul explains why FEMA is a failure of central economic planning. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend […]