Posts Tagged ‘DNC’

What’s Behind Turkey’s Coup & Purge?

With Turkey now undergoing the largest military/governmental purge in modern history, the question of Turkey’s future in terms of its domestic stability and structure is in flux and the possibilities facing the world, especially Syria, in regards to any changes of Turkish foreign policy are shaky as well. But even as the question […]

Why Police Misconduct Liability Insurance Will Not Fix Anything

  Over the course of my time with the CopBlock Network I have seen many people suggest that insuring or bonding police officers against their individual misconduct would be the great solution to issues of the police state. While the person making the suggestion always seems good-natured and well-intended, their proposed response to the many […]

‘Pokémon Go’: Government Surveillance App?

‘Pokémon Go’: Government Surveillance App? July 14th, 2016 For commentary on this, I’d mainly offer my 2012 piece: Ingress: Google’s Strange New Game Flash forward to 2016 and Pokémon Go offers the same soft control, but now with mass appeal. You might be thinking, […]

Shooting Death of Black Lives Matters Activist Tyler Gebhard is an Arch Zionist Hoax

Shooting Death of Black Lives Matters Activist Tyler Gebhard is an Arch Zionist Hoax It cannot be another coincidence that in the aftermath of the arch-fake, absolutely fabricated white-on-black shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando (Philanderer) Castile that there would be yet another incident of white cop-on-black violence. It makes no sense to any degree […]

An Internet For Everyone

Print Friendly Above photo:Demonstrators protest in front of the White House in support of net neutrality. 2014. (Joseph Gruber, Flickr Creative Commons) Sir Tim Berners-Lee on the need to ‘re-decentralize the web’ The imagination is a powerful thing, and what it creates may in fact be powerful beyond our imagining. That was certainly the case […]

Cannabis Found to Destroy Toxic Protein That Leads to Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists may have just found an ingredient in cannabis that could help people with Alzheimer’s. Over 5 million people in the US and around 850,000 in the UK suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. This is a severe condition where a person struggles with memory loss. Currently, people suffering from this disease are put on symptom management […]

Cops shoot white guy in Fresno, no public outrage ensues

Isn’t it peculiar that no one riots – or to be perfectly frank, even cares – when white people are killed by the police? Dailywire: According to Fresno police, they responded to a report that a man was walking around with a rifle. Spotting a speeding truck, they tried to accost the driver, Noble. Instead, […]

The Most Powerful Case For The U.S. War Resistors

Print Friendly Above Photo: We say No to War sign seen at a 2007 anti-war protest. (Photo by Thiago Santos on flickr) Supporting the right to oppose an illegal war On February 15, 2003, 15 million people around the globe marched in opposition to the impending war in Iraq. Despite not convincing the U.S. or UK […]

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 12 – The globalists begin their demolition of the EU

As expected, the globalists engineered a victory for the BREXIT referendum yesterday, so the first of three punches that’ll bring down the EU has been thrown. Putting together all we’ve explored in previous updates and entries, this is how things will go from here… > The Summer of Terror will start kicking in… …From The […]

Bombshell Report: Trump Is A Secret Clinton Plant

An extraordinary secret collusion between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has been revealed in a Democratic National Committee file released by Guccifer 2.0, the hacker who claimed responsibility for breaching the DNC database. The file released on the hacker’s webpage on Tuesday morning reveals that ‘Donald J. Trump’ donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to Hillary Clinton during this […]

Orlando Attack Was a Tragedy, but Not Deadliest Mass Shooting in US History

Some media reports have called the mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub the worst in U.S. history. Does this ‘erase’ Wounded Knee and other tragedies in the violent history of the United States? (MINTPRESS) In the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub rampage, Americans are struggling to come to terms with another shocking mass shooting. […]

106-Year-Old Photo Makes Global Warming Alarmists Think Twice About Paris Floods

Source: Daily Caller As parts of France are currently under 18 feet of water, some have taken to blaming global warming, but a photographer from France has a picture that seeks to silence alarmist fears. A picture taken by French photographer Julien Knez juxtaposes two floods brilliantly, showing that high water […]

US State Dept. Officials Call For Strikes Against Assad Government

US State Department officials have called for an attack against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 51 State Department officials signed an internal document calling for targeted military strikes against the Damascus government, according to the Wall Street Journal They urge that regime change as the only way to defeat ISIS, even though Assad […]

Damascus Says Germans on the Ground in Syria Supporting ISIS

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 16, 2016 In their quest to ensure they have enough illiterate Arab peasants in their country to pay all of the pensions of old Whites, Germans have made a deal with the devil. RT: Damascus has reacted angrily to claims that German special forces are present in the Ain al-Arab and […]

Internationally accredited heavy metals testing services just launched by the Health Ranger’s food science laboratory (CWC Labs)

(NaturalNews) At long last, we are now officially announcing the availability of heavy metals analysis and nutritive minerals analysis services at my laboratory, CWC Labs. This announcement is for commercial clients and health care professionals who have five or more samples to analyze, but we will be launching testing services for individuals in […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

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ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

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ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

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Would NCUA’s Wall St Bonus Pay Restriction Stop a Bank Bail-In?

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) released a 500 page proposal in collaboration with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) aimed at restricting large financial institution’s incentive-based compensation to prohibit executive […]

Netanyahu on Biden’s Visit: An Expression of Great Relations with Washington

IMEMC : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, has said that US Vice President Joe Biden’s upcoming visit to Israel is an expression of great relations between the two countries. “This visit is an expression of the great relations between Israel and our ally, the United States,” Netanyahu said. […]

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