Hall was an official in the Florida Department of Education before DeSantis appointed him to the juvenile justice department. Hall’s 272-page dissertation studied two “alternative” schools and how the public education system displaces minority students at higher rates through expulsion and other factors. In turn, that can lead to large numbers of minority students ending […]
Posts Tagged ‘dissertation’
Stunning 1967 Dissertation Warns Infiltration of Rothschild Luciferians in US Government
June 28th, 2017 Awake Goy
Between 1967 and 1968 Myron Fagan recorded three LP records: The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations. The dissertations document the activities of the house of Rothschild were produced by Anthony J. Hilder – an American activist, author, film maker, talk show host, broadcaster and former actor. This stunning recording from 1967 speaks to […]