Posts Tagged ‘dissenting’

Dissenting views CRIMINALIZED in the U.K. under new Online Safety Act, which gets you ARRESTED if government doesn’t like what you say

(NaturalNews) An independent journalist based out of England has been arrested for sharing “malinformation” about Ukraine.In accordance with the new Online… Source Views: 0

This is how the dissenting members of the House have been threatened and intimidated and coerced beyond anyone’s imagination to vote for WEF globalist McCarthy.

“There Are Incredible Threats Being Levied Against Them – Families Are Targeted” – Madison Cawthorn Explains What Happens to Those Who Stand Up Against Kevin McCarthy (VIDEO) Source Views: 0

Intolerance of Dissenting Views Suppressing Tough Questions About Inflation, Afghanistan, COVID-19: Peter Thiel

In his keynote address to the National Conservatism Conference Oct. 31, billionaire tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel argued that false consensus has silenced debate on important questions, including COVID-19, the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, and ongoing inflation in the American economy. Thiel spoke to the conference about examples of what he called “the incredible derangement of […]

The Ends of Dissent? A Dissenting Understanding of Dissent

What is ‘dissent’? The term ‘dissent’ was first used in sixteenth century England, to refer to the opinions of those Christian sects that would not conform to the Church of England (not just Catholics but many Protestant groups too, e.g., the Dissenters, the Puritans). Needless to say, they were quickly criminalised and hunted, leading to […]

Why science should listen to "lone genius" dissenting voices

(Natural News) The concept of the “mad scientist” with crazy hair who dallies about the lab mixing chemical-filled beakers has become something of a stereotypical image in the public mind. That’s because entertainment and media almost always portray scientists as “lone geniuses” who rely solely only on their own intellects and imaginations to come up […]

Saudi Arabia Cracks Down on Dissenting Clerics Amid Rumors of Crown Prince’s Rise to Throne

Salman al-Odah, Awad al-Qarni and Ali al-Omary were arrested with little explanation over the weekend, but activists suspect that their failure to follow MBS’s hawkish line on Qatar played a role in their imprisonment. Human rights activists told the Wall Street Journal that al-Odah’s arrest came after he declined to come out in support of […]

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