30th January 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information…” ~ Dr. William Thompson, former Centers for Disease Control (CDC) scientist and whistleblower The issue of whether or not to vaccinate is a contentious topic. Parents that fear or have direct experience with […]
Posts Tagged ‘disorder’
Massive food inflation strikes Canada… consumers paying $8 for a head of cauliflower, $3 for a single cucumber.
(NaturalNews) Due to a “perfect storm” of inflationary factors – not the least of which being the continuing drop in oil prices – Canadians are seeing the effects of a weakening currency reflected in food prices at the supermarket. $3 cucumbers, $8 for a head of cauliflower, grapes at $10 per bag – […]
Panera accelerates clean food movement; removes artificial colors, flavors and preservatives from its soups
(NaturalNews) Last year, Panera announced its promise to ban artificial preservatives, sweeteners, colors and flavors from its foods by the end of 2016. The popular food chain even made publicly available its “No-No” list, which details not only what unhealthy ingredients are being removed, but specifically which items on their menu they’re being […]
Hillary Announces She will Emulate the Leadership of Angela Merkel
Daily Stormer January 9, 2016 This just in: yet another reason to vote Trump. In her recent interview with Time, Hillary said explicitly that she would emulate the governing style of Queen Bitch Merkel Any particular foreign leader whose executive stewardship you admire and might want to emulate as president? Well, I have to say […]
Radio 3Fourteen: Jamie Hanshaw – The Alchemy of Cultural Marxism
From Radio 3Fourteen: Jamie Hanshaw is a second generation conspiracy theorist who studies the occult activities of secret societies, the Freemasons, magic, sorcery, Kabalistic rituals, and Hollywood trauma-based mind control. She is a regular contributor at FreemanTV.com and she, along with co-writer Freeman, has compiled all of this information into a fully illustrated, well-referenced […]
Facebook Jewess Sheryl Sandberg Wages a War on White Men in the Military
Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg speaks to US soldiers declaring a feminist war on what she calls a bias towards White men in the military. Source Article from http://renegadetribune.com/facebook-jewess-sheryl-sandberg-wages-a-war-on-white-men-in-the-military/ Views: 0
Man Arrested For Microwaving His ID To Fry The Microchip And Protect His Privacy
John Vibes | True Activist This week, a 29-year old German man was arrested at Frankfurt Airport after police noticed that he had microwaved his ID to disable the microchip inside. Microwaving ID’s is actually extremely common among German and other EU citizens who are concerned about their privacy. […]