I no longer fly, but I used to have to fly often.I learned when a hog sat down next to me and asked if I minded if they lifted the arm rest, I replied, yes I do. I have a bad arm and need the arm rest. More kind than saying if I allow you […]
Posts Tagged ‘discriminated’
RAF Discriminated Against 160 Better-Qualified White Pilots in Diversity Drive: UK Lawmaker
A recruitment officer at the Royal Air Force (RAF) resigned last year after finding about 160 cases of positive discrimination against better-qualified male white pilots, a senior MP has revealed. Group Capt. Lizzy Nicholl had quit her role as head of the recruitment drive after determining that “about 160 cases of positive discrimination had taken […]
Alberta’s new premier says unvaccinated people are “most discriminated against group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime”
(Natural News) Upon taking office on October 11, Marlaina Danielle Smith, the new premier of Alberta, advocated for the rights of unvaccinated Canadians whom she says faced “unacceptable” discrimination throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic. In her very first news conference, Smith, who was officially sworn in as the 19th prime minister of Alberta at […]
DOJ: Outsourcing Firm Discriminated Against Americans for Jobs, Preferring Cheaper Foreign Visa Workers
A New York-based outsourcing firm, working with an India-based company, discriminated against qualified Americans for tech jobs in the United States, preferring to hire cheaper foreign visa workers, a Department of Justice (DOJ) settlement states. Views: 0
Tribunal rules UK school ‘indirectly’ discriminated against pastor over tweet opposing pride events
Photo Credit: Christian Concern/YouTube CAMBRIDGE — An employment tribunal in the U.K. has ruled that a primary school “indirectly” discriminated against a pastor who served as a caretaker at the institution when leaders sent a written warning following complaints over his personal tweet opining that homosexual pride events should not be attended by Christians… Views: […]
Council of Europe Decrees Vaccines Must Not be Mandatory and the Non-Vaccinated Must Not be Discriminated Against
Justice4Poland.com January 29, 2021 ER Editor: This is a welcome resolution, if it carries sufficient weight. It was adopted by the Parliament two days ago, January 27. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe contains non-EU members such as Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Azerbaijian and Ukraine. From Wikipedia: TheParliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe(PACE) […]
Minn. Court of Appeals Rules School District ‘Discriminated’ Against Girl Who Sought to Use Boys’ Locker Room
ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota Court of Appeals, located in the capitol city named after the New Testament evangelist, has ruled that a female student who identifies as male, who was instructed to used an “enhanced privacy” area rather than the main section of the boys’ locker room, has a legitimate legal claim under […]
Appeals Court Rules Va. School District ‘Discriminated’ by Not Allowing Girl to Use Boys’ Restroom
Photo Credit: ACLU RICHMOND, Va. — A 2-1 panel with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has again ruled that a Virginia school district discriminated against a female student who identifies as male by declining to allow her to use the boys’ restroom. “[W]e hold that the board’s restroom policy constitutes sex-based discrimination and, independently, that […]
5 Ways Whites are Discriminated Against in America
For the first time ever, a major poll shows that a majority of white Americans believe that whites are discriminated against in America today. The poll’s findings, while not being groundbreaking, do show that racial consciousness among whites is on the rise. In the spirit of enlightening some of the melanin-deprived, here are five ways that Americans […]
Donald Trump’s New Campaign Adviser Is A Man Of Mystery
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s new campaign adviser is helping him look more presidential. The man of mystery comes with a bag of tricks that is going to make the Donald a more palatable candidate for the White House regardless of his past. At a recent private meeting at a beachside Florida resort, the kingmaker who in […]
Austin’s corrupt city government plans to go ahead with insane courthouse project despite being shot down by voters
(NaturalNews) For nearly a decade, the Travis County Commissioner’s Court has been trying to decide where to build a new family and civil courthouse complex. Where did they choose? Well, the most expensive piece of dirt in Austin, Texas, of course. On Election Day, Travis County asked voters to approve $287.3 million in […]