“It is madness,” Dick Cheney said today, of the Iran Deal. And the White House loves it! Notice the brilliant use of Megyn Kelly of Fox News in this White House video that just went up today, below. “You were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” she said to the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Dick Cheney’
Netanyahu Concedes Defeat: Bombing Iran Is No Longer an Option – Veterans Today
September 3rd, 2015 Awake Goy
“You mean I can’t I can’t summon lies and fabrications anymore to attack Iran? And you mean nearly 100,000 people want me to be arrested in the UK? Headache.” …by Jonas E. Alexis Oh, dear. Netanyahu, the man who has numerous covert agents and political assassins in the United States (Mike Hukabee, John McCain, […]