Posts Tagged ‘denouncing’

McCarthy slams Dem leaders for not denouncing Tlaib’s Hamas attack statement 

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) criticized Democratic leaders in a Tuesday interview for not condemning more forcefully Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-Mich.) statement calling on the United States to halt aid to Israel after the country suffered the deadliest terror attack in its history by Hamas early Saturday.  “And if you watched Tlaib, Tlaib said, our… […]

Denouncing The GDL For Their “Activism”

This Chad Chaddington character should have listened to us years ago, since we have been exposing HT and the GDL from the very beginning. Source Views: 1

Australian Anglican bishops veto motion denouncing same-sex ‘marriage’

(The Christian Institute) — Australian bishops have rejected a statement affirming the biblical basis for marriage as the national church’s official position. At the first meeting of the Anglican Church of Australia’s General Synod since same-sex marriage was legalised there in 2017, members voted on whether to affirm that: “The solemnization of a marriage… Views: […]

Palestinians Observe General Strike Denouncing Illegal Home Demolitions

Above Photo: Palestinians protest against planned demolitions in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabir. Activestills. Around 800 Palestinian homes are facing the threat of demolition by the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem. It plans to replace them with 500 new illegal settlement units and a shopping mall. Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of […]

Trump praises Robert E. Lee while denouncing statue’s removal in Virginia

Lee was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans as he led the fight to defend the South’s ability to own Black people as property. Lee has been lifted up as a heroic figure in the South, even today, an ideology that historians call the Lost Cause — a campaign designed to […]

Denouncing Republican evils can’t do much for the Biden presidency without demanding progressive policies

The Republican plunge into Trumpism has made the party especially unhinged and dangerous, but its basic ideology has long been a shameless assault on minimal standards of human decency. Now — while Democratic leaders and most corporate media outlets are suitably condemning the fascist tendencies of Trump and his followers — deeper analysis and stepped-up […]

Trump, denouncing refugees, slashes US admissions to record low

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US President Donald Trump has slashed US admissions of refugees to a record low of no more than 15,000 as he fiercely denounced migrants from Somalia and other war-torn nations on the campaign trail. The State Department announced the number just half an hour before the start of the 2021 fiscal year […]

Denouncing ‘intentional effort’ to sabotage election, judge orders nationwide reversal of DeJoy mail changes

A federal judge late Thursday issued a nationwide injunction temporarily blocking and reversing dramatic changes to mail operations imposed in recent months by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, slamming the policies as a “politically motivated attack” on the U.S. Postal Service that—if allowed to stand—would disenfranchise voters in November. “Although not necessarily apparent on the surface, […]

US vetoes highly supported UN resolution denouncing Israeli violence, then flops in trying to blame Hamas

The United States vetoed on Friday a Kuwaiti-drafted UN Security Council resolution that condemned Israel’s use of force against Palestinian civilians, underlining Washington’s differences with friends and foes alike over the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Later, a second, US-drafted resolution that blamed Hamas for the violence and upheld Israel’s right to defend itself failed to attract […]

Leftists twist the truth about everything, denouncing "forced childbirth" but celebrating "mandatory immunizations" that deny women’s choice

(Natural News) Many members of the lunatic left seem to almost have an infatuation with murdering unborn babies still in the womb – so much so that they are now referring to pro-life advocates and anyone else who opposes abortion on demand for any reason at all as being in favor of “forced childbirth.” This […]

Muslim Rape Gang Found Guilty of Abusing White Girl

From: Eleven of fifteen Muslim men charged in May with the sexual grooming of a 14-year-old girl have been found guilty, after the judged said they treated his court with “contempt and arrogance”. The girl was “raped in car parks, parks and churchyards” in the small town of Keighley, near Bradford in […]

Video: Israeli soldier forces knife on Palestinian girl

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 2 December 2015 A video has emerged apparently showing an Israeli soldier dropping a knife on the ground and forcing a terrified Palestinian girl to pick it up before she is arrested. The video was circulated widely in Palestinian media and on social networks on Tuesday, the same […]

Putin To Send 150,000 Troops To Syria To Wipe Out ISIS

Russian president Vladimir Putin is preparing a ground offensive to wipe out ISIS in Syria He is reportedly planning a huge military mission using 150,000 troops to take control of the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa. Experts say the mythical state could vanish in a matter of hours and the Islamic State terrorists might then hide in towns, and […]

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