Zyklon B and the German Delousing Chambers Today at the former German concentration camp at Dachau, it is no longer claimed that jews or anyone else were ever killed in the gas chamber there. In the room that is supposedly a gas chamber, one can clearly read a sign written by the museum authorities in […]
Posts Tagged ‘delousing’
High Frequency Delousing Facilities at Auschwitz – German ‘Microwave’ Technology to Combat Typhus
December 23rd, 2020 Awake Goy
High Frequency Delousing Facilities at Auschwitz German ‘Microwave’ Technology to Combat Typhus By Mark Weber Published: 1999-10-20 According to popular legend, Auschwitz was an extermination center organized to kill as many jewish prisoners as possible with the greatest possible dispatch. In fact, though, the authorities responsible for Germany’s wartime concentration camp network carried out extensive measures at […]