The US, accustomed to profiting from wars and conflicts, relying on a spirit of hegemony and ‘world domination’, has in recent years been attempting to rally the so-called democratic G7 partners to jointly oppose China’s influence and counter its Belt and Road initiative. To this end, the Americans [JEWS] have launched a global infrastructure program […]
Posts Tagged ‘deceitful’
The US exposes its deceitful nature by promising to help developing countries Assisting poor nations is never the true motivation for Washington. All it wants is to rule the world
The New York Times’ Disgraceful and Deceitful Attack on RFK Jr
The New York Times, floundering in the deep waters of truth and desperately trying to stay afloat in the shallows by continuing its history of lying for its CIA masters, has just published a front page of propaganda worthy of the finest house organs of totalitarian regimes. Right below its February 26, 2022 headline denouncing […]
‘Deceitful Campaign Tactics to Manipulate Voters’: Democrats Aim to Create, Exploit Divisions Among GOP in Georgia Runoffs
Democrats from outside Georgia are actively engaged in an effort to create divisions among Republicans in the state. The Democrats then intend to exploit those divisions to try to drive down turnout among President Donald Trump’s supporters in the runoff for the two U.S. Senate seats that will decide which party controls the upper chamber […]
Deceitful Lies, Fear, Terrorism and Mass Surveillance: Party Politics in the United Kingdom
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Jewess Supports Brexit Because She Fears Getting Lampshaded by Euro Nazis
Info Stormer May 11, 2016 Jewess Angela Epstein thinks Euro Nazis will lampshade her if the UK doesn’t leave the EU. A justified concern considering Adolf Hitler personally ordered that each of the above prisoners be gassed and made into a low quality lampshade. A scatterbrained Jewess by the name of Angela Epstein writing for […]
HuffPo censors VAXXED documentary article and blocks writer account after discredited science troll David Gorski hijacks Wikipedia to trash the film
(NaturalNews) In a stunning example of outright journalism censorship and medical totalitarianism, Arianna Huffington’s HuffPo content platform has gone “police state” on veteran contributor Lance Simmons. According to this article from Truth Barrier, Simmons has been an 8-year contributor to the Huffington Post, publishing over 200 articles through the content hub. HuffPo had […]
Why Syrians Support President Bashar al Assad
By Steven Sahiounie It may be surprising to some that the Syrian people still support Pres. Bashar al Assad. The western media has gone to great lengths to portray him as an evil dictator. However, Syrian residents are not affected by western media, and have a different view of their leader. Syrians see Pres. Assad […]
GOP to Fund Obama’s ISIS Invasion Conspiracy
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer December 17, 2015 You should have known better than to think someone this goofy looking could be trusted not to flood you with ISIS. Paul Ryan has a brilliant plan: ISIS will be easier to stop if we bring them to America. We’ll just be like “hey ISIS, you want to come […]
NATO’s Deceitful Libya War of Aggression and Meaning for Africa
Colin BenjaminBlack Star News Thursday, September 1, 2011 Since last week, Western leaders, NATO—and their friends in the puppet propaganda press, sometimes referred to as “mainstream” media—have been celebrating the usurpation of Libya into the hands of the armed insurrectionist “rebels.” But how will history judge the West’s imperial interference, in Libya, and what does […]