Ever notice when someone else does the same evil shit US did, it was good when the little child raping political prostitutes and take it up the ass rope chewing politicians and trannies in general’s uniforms did it, but now someone else did the same shit it is suddenly “bad & evil”? And Jesus the […]
Posts Tagged ‘decapitate’
Putin will ‘decapitate’ the Ukrainian government in Kiev US INSTALLED WHEN US DECAPITATED DULY ELECTED UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS PUPPET “government” and install his own: Pentagon issues grim predictions
February 25th, 2022 Awake Goy
BREAKING: This MAJOR Veterans Charity Caught Making Sick Move AGAINST Vets, Spread This EVERYWHERE
February 3rd, 2016 Awake Goy
Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Unfortunately, one of our country’s largest organizations aimed at helping our wounded veterans is under scrutiny for blatantly abusing donation money on parties and conferences rather than programs that help our wounded heroes. I hate to report this for several reasons. One reason is that our companies have donated a ton […]