Posts Tagged ‘DC’

1882 Dresden "Anti-Jewish" Manifesto Explains NWO

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NOAA Labs Confirm Contrails Warming the Climate

The discovery comes out of studies of how much sunlight reaches the Earth’s surface. This energy is not constant. From the 1950s to the 1980s, for instance, the sun seemed to slightly dim, then it started to brighten. When scientists looked for a cause, they tried linking these changes to the sun’s variable output, said […]

China’s ‘Social Credit’ System Assigns Credit Scores to Citizens Based on Govt Loyalty

No regime, however ruthless its leaders, vast its ambitions, or extensive its resources, can tyrannize its subjects without their active cooperation. Every police state ultimately requires the public to regiment themselves–and each other. In the age of social media, successful totalitarians will have to crowd-source state coercion — and China’s new “social credit” system, […]

No justice for Tariq Abu Khdeir

In a mockery of justice, an Israeli order police officer who assaulted 15-year-old Palestinian-American Tariq Abu Khdeir following the kidnapping and torching-murder of his cousin, Mohammed Abu Khdeir, 16, in Occupied East Jerusalem in July 2014, has been sentenced to a mere 45 days of community service. Zip, that’s it. The anonymous officer, whose identity has […]

Police Clash with Jamar Clark Protesters

Tensions peaked last night as protesters hurled bricks and bottles at the police. Police fired marking rounds at the individuals involved but no one has been arrested although one unidentified man was arrested for slashing the tires on an unmarked patrol car. One protest organizer told KARE 11 a CBS affiliate in Minneapolis that those throwing bricks […]

Pope Francis Tells Christians “Prepare For The Apocalypse”

Pope Francis has issued an unsettling warning about the “end times” to all Christians worldwide, following Friday’s Paris terror attacks. He has called on fellow Christians to “be ready” for the coming apocalypse.  In the Sunday speech, the Pope addressed ten thousand pilgrims in Saint Peter’s Square, expressing his “deep sorrow for the terrorist attacks […]

Veterans Affairs Paid Out $142 Million in Cash Bonuses Immediately Following Deadly Scandal

The Department of Veterans Affairs doled out more than $142 million in bonuses to executives and employees for performance in 2014 even as scandals over veterans’ health care and other issues racked the agency. The agency paid more than $380,000 in 2013 performance bonuses to top officials at hospitals where veterans faced long delays in receiving treatment, including […]

Armistice Day* From Honoring Peace To Glorifying War

In 2012 the Pentagon (Department of War) launched a thirteen-year national Vietnam War Commemoration public relations project (until 2025) explicitly designed to justify, glorify and honor the Viet Nam War, especially its brave soldiers. In fact, of course, it is a poorly masked effort to obliterate from our memory the egregiously criminal US war, and […]

Largest line dance ever? 18,000+ heat it up in China for Guinness (VIDEO)

As New China TV explains, the Saturday initiative is actually part of a healthy living drive, and to keep people away from bad habits. The 18,000 women of the Hubei province all wore jumpsuits and smiled, as they repeated the dance moves down to a tee. The popular exercise routine in China is also known […]

One Day After Obama Kills Keystone XL Pipeline Another Buffett-Owned Oil Tanker Train Derails In Wisconsin

It must be somewhat ironic for the U.S. progressive moment that a day after Obama officially slammed the seal shut on Transcanada’s Keystone XL pipeline after a seven year “review” (and days after the company itself withdrew its application, something which the admin ignored just so it could have the final say on […]

One Day After Obama Kills Keystone XL Pipeline Another Buffett-Owned Oil Tanker Train Derails In Wisconsin

It must be somewhat ironic for the U.S. progressive moment that a day after Obama officially slammed the seal shut on Transcanada’s Keystone XL pipeline after a seven year “review” (and days after the company itself withdrew its application, something which the admin ignored just so it could have the final say on […]

Decision by Estonia to freeze bank accounts of Russian news agency shows Europe’s disregard for free speech

     The decision of an Estonian bank to close the accounts of Rossiya Segodnya International News Agency is evidence of Europe’s fearfulness and its disregard for the freedom of speech, agency’s editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan, said Thursday. Earlier in the day, Tallinn Business Bank informed Rossiya Segodnya that it unilaterally terminated an agreement covering the agency’s […]

Syria at a Crossroads: Carrying on With the War? “The US and the Saudis are Still Working Together”

The Obama administration is finally making sounds about a reasonable peace deal for Syria – accepting the principle that the Syrians should choose their own leaders – but words are cheap and a Saudi official makes clear that “regime change” remains the obsession, as Nicolas J S Davies explains. The Vienna Communique — issued on Friday […]

When Palestinian ‘protection’ stands in the way of equality

This is part of Marc H. Ellis’s “Exile and the Prophetic” feature for Mondoweiss. To read the entire series visit the archive page. As the killing continues in Jerusalem, Hebron and other parts of the West Bank, the viral video of Rabbi Arik Ascherman’s encounter with a Jewish settler in the West Bank continues to […]

Lawsuit Challenging the Exclusion of Qualified Candidates from Presidential Debates is Filed

September 29, 2015, Washington, DC — 2012 presidential candidates Gov. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, along with the Libertarian and Green parties and their vice-presidential candidates, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington, DC, today charging that the exclusion of qualified candidates from the general election presidential debates by the Commission on Presidential Debates […]

Search These Phrases to See How Disgustingly Horrific the Police State Has Become

WASHINGTON, DC — Part of the beauty of the internet is that we have access to the reality behind appearances. Not too long ago, we had to depend on mainstream media reporting to us what police were doing on the streets. We were shocked when we saw the Rodney […]

DC organiser admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters

BREITBART.TV Friday, October 7, 2011 Print this page. Comment Rules 9 Responses to “DC organiser admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters” DC organiser admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters ========================================= “Theres no business like show business”. LMAO!!! “Staged” and paid “players”. Yeah, that will bring about “positive changes”, alright. Bullshit! Bravo2………out The paid ones are […]

Progressives seek to co-opt diverse ‘Occupy DC’ movement

Neil MunroDaily Caller Friday, October 7, 2011 Progressives are rapidly claiming the mantle of the fearful and isolated Americans who are using social media to share their non-political stories of huge student debt, sinking mortgages, crippling health-care bills, dead-end jobs or endless unemployment. On Wall Street and in D.C.’s Freedom Plaza, on twitter feeds, webpages […]

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