In mid-May, on the Anti-Defamation League’s “blog,” CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said that the ADL now “unequivocally” acknowledges the Armenian Genocide committed by Turkey. Curiously, he doesn’t mention Turkey. The ADL, he added, “would support U.S. acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide.” It’s surprising that such a serious subject would only be “blogged.” […]
Posts Tagged ‘da’
Power grab: Pro-austerity party back in control of Ireland despite ‘losing’ last election
A hundred years after the Easter Rising inspired what became an independent republic, center-right Fine Gael and centrist Fianna Fail agreed to a minority government headed by the caretaker Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny. He was re-elected to his post by the Dáil (parliament) on the fourth attempt by 10 votes, more than 70 days […]
URGENT: Obama Just Made It EASIER For Muslim Terrorists To Do THIS… America Is On HIGH Alert
Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Just yesterday Senate Democrats, led by ‘dirty’ Harry Reid have blocked measures to help prevent potential terrorists from entering our country. That’s bad enough. What Obama just did is even worse. Obama just announced new ‘rules’ that will make it even EASIER for these terrorists to enter the U.S.A. FOX is […]
In Italia bombe nucleari a potenza variabile
«Le più piccole bombe Usa alimentano la paura nucleare»: così titolava ieri in prima pagina The New York Times, riferendosi alle B61-12, le nuove bombe nucleari che gli Stati uniti stanno per installare anche in Italia al posto delle B-61 schierate ad Aviano e Ghedi-Torre. Le caratteristiche di questa nuova arma nucleare sono state descritte […]
Gas prices could drop toward $1 a gallon
In some gas stations around the country, the price of a gallon of regular has dropped below $1.42. AAA and GasBuddy, two organizations that follow gasoline prices, say that gasoline prices below $2 will not be unusual in most of the United States. As oil prices fall, and refinery capacity stays strong, the […]
The Dairy Industry Explained in 5 Minutes
Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” ~ Thomas Edison Dairy is scary. Please share this video with anyone and everyone who still thinks dairy is just fine! Additional resources: Cowspiracy: Got Misery? Milk Does: […]
Cop Opens Fire in Airport, Says He Was “Just Practicing Quick Draw Skills”
Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Des Moines, IA — Imagine for a moment that you were open carrying a pistol in a public space and all of the sudden, you accidentally squeeze off a round. There are two possible scenarios that would take place; the first one […]
Cop Opens Fire in Airport, Says He Was “Just Practicing Quick Draw Skills”
Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Des Moines, IA — Imagine for a moment that you were open carrying a pistol in a public space and all of the sudden, you accidentally squeeze off a round. There are two possible scenarios that would take place; the first one […]
When “Rescuers” Become a Death Squad: The Killing of Michael Funk
*The post below was written by William Grigg and posted to his websitesite Pro Libertate. It’s an exhasutive overview on the story I broke here at last week regarding the killing of a hostage by police in Wisconsin; see here.* The only casualty of an hours-long SWAT raid and hostage situation in Neenah, Wisconsin on December […]
Crisis of New World Order? – Veterans Today
“Goyim must admit that they are just pawns in our political process. All we have to do is rewrite history and propagate lies in the media in the name of ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom.’” …by Jonas E. Alexis Jewish Neocon Robert Kagan is really confused. It seems that this man is living in fear at […]
«Nuove armi contro lo scudo», Putin risponde a Usa e Nato
Di fronte al programma di difesa missilistica della Nato a guida Usa, la Russia dispiegherà nuove armi da attacco capaci di forare lo «scudo»: lo ha annunciato ieri il presidente Putin, accusando Washington di voler neutralizzare il deterrente strategico russo per acquisire una «decisiva superiorità militare». La decisione russa, presentata dai nostri media come inattesa e minacciosa, […]
Wal-Mart Seeks to Test Drones for Home Delivery, Pickup
Wal-Mart Seeks to Test Drones for Home Delivery, Pickup October 26th, 2015 Via: Reuters: Wal-Mart Stores Inc applied Monday to U.S. regulators for permission to test drones for home delivery, curbside pickup and checking warehouse inventories, a sign it plans to go head-to-head with […]
What Are Antioxidants and Why Do We Need Them?
22nd October 2015 By Lorraine Ereira Guest Writer for Wake Up World Antioxidants. We hear about them all the time. “Eat your berries and your greens because they are full of antioxidants.” But what are these compounds that are claimed to have a wealth of benefits to the body? And how do they work? Before we […]
The End of Homeland Security – Veterans Today
by Preston James America is now a failing state in severe social and economic crisis because it has been hijacked by a foreign power, the RKM, that is stealing all its wealth through illegal, unConstitutional foreign proxy wars for Israel, and attempting to destroy the American people. Who wants DHS to exist? Most Americans hate […]
Walter Scott’s Family Receives $6.5 Million Settlement; Plans to Donate Portion to Charity
On Friday (Oct. 9, 2015), it was announced that the family of Walter Scott had reached a settlement agreement with “the City of North Charleston” for $6.5 million. What that really means is the citizens of a community have once again been forced to pay for the crimes of a Killer Cop after the on […]