As soon as I published the ultimate Franco Vitaliano deep dive entitled; “Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda” , new information about his history surfaced. There is a paragraph in “CRONUS ENHANCEMENTS: RL-TR-95-117 Final Technical Report“, dated July 1995 that states Franco Vitaliano developed the operating […]
Posts Tagged ‘cronus’
Franco Vitaliano developed Cronus: The communication systems between satellites and computers for US Military
November 24th, 2023 Awake Goy
Cronus: The Titan Harvest God and Erroneously The Titan Time God
August 29th, 2022 Awake Goy
Cronus, the Titan of Time is often depicted today as Father Time. However, the original Greek myth has few, if any, actual links between Cronus and time. Read more Section: News Myths & Legends Europe Read Later Views: 0