Inside the White House, there was no sense that he would skip that stage. Clinton and his staff saw the State of the Union address as a way to show the American people that the scandal wasn’t stopping them from focusing on the policy and they felt voters had his back; Clinton’s approval rating was […]
Posts Tagged ‘craziest’
The backdrop of Biden’s State of the Union is crazy. But it won’t be the craziest.
Military Escalation: Expanding US-NATO Presence inside Syria. American Boots on the Ground
The United States is expanding its presence in Syria. Satellite imagery taken Dec. 28 shows construction underway to extend the runway at an airfield in Rmeilan, al-Hasaka province, which would prepare the site to accommodate larger aircraft. Separate reports of the U.S. preparing deployment of aircraft to Rmeilan have been circulating since early December. The […]
Turkey’s attack on Russia’s Su-24 well planned in advance and with the approval of NATO
The elements presented during a Press conference in Moscow by General Viktor Bondarev, chief of staff of the Russian Air Force, leave no doubt – the Turkish aviation, which had been informed of the flight plan of the Russian Sukhoï, in accordance with the agreements on military co-ordination, had already recieved prior instructions to assume […]