The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are finally banning the outdated and controversial electroshock therapy, for use on children with autism. On Friday the FDA proposed the ban on the use of electrical-shock therapy to treat children at the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Boston. The facility treats school children diagnosed with autism, developmental delays […]
Posts Tagged ‘cows’
Paul Craig Roberts: The evil empire has the world in a death grip
In my archives there is a column or two that introduces the reader to John Perkins’ important book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. An EHM is an operative who sells the leadership of a developing country on an economic plan or massive development project. The Hit Man convinces a country’s government that borrowing […]
How Depression Affects Brain Structure & What You Can Do To Change It Back
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 400 million people, of all ages, suffer from depression, making it the leading cause of disability worldwide. This is a massive target market for pharmaceutical companies, and that’s no secret. There are huge profits to be made, and drug companies are taking every opportunity to make the most […]
North Korea’s Nuclear Perceptions and Deterrence
Nuclear weapons have always had a habit of inviting games of perception. Will the state in possession of a nuclear option make use of it? Obviously, there is always precedent that any state with an option will, at some point, make do with it. The importance here is one of perception. The DPRK has […]
Montreal to dump billion-liter load of raw sewage into St. Lawrence River
The dump would last for about a week that is needed to make critical repairs to the city’s waste-water system. Over that time an estimated 7.5 billion liters of contaminated fluid will be discharged. The work must be completed before December 5. The plan has been in the pipeline for 18 months and approved by […]