Submitted and written by Isiah Holmes Living amidst an encroaching, ever more militarized authoritative presence sometimes leaves the modern American a stranger to “surprise.” We arbitrarily imagine the haunts of the world’s real boogeymen only in far away, unreachable lands. Their motives abstract, their actions the stuff of nightmarish expressions of crystal-pure inhuman atrocity. If […]
Posts Tagged ‘copsucker’
When We Found the Boogeyman: Chicago Demands DOJ Probe into CPD Detention Facility
Hebron rages against ethnic cleansing of its youth at funeral for five young martyrs
31st October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine Today, tens of thousands of mourners gathered for the funerals of five Palestinian youth murdered by Israeli forces in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron). After the funeral, Israeli forces violently attacked mourners demonstrating at Bab al-Zawweya, injuring dozens. Tens of thousands of mourners gathered for […]
Court accepts lawsuit against Egyptian actress for defending porn
Hanan Fayed (TCP) : Watching porn and calling on girls to not hide their breasts as they walk have triggered a bombardment of criticism and lawsuits against comic actress Entissar for “inciting debauchery.” Egyptian Comic Actress Entissar – YOUM7 “I am not afraid because I did not say or do anything wrong, I detected a […]