COVIRAN vaccine closer to completing human trials – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Eight thousand volunteers in four cities will receive the first dose of the COVIRAN vaccine on June 10, moving toward completing the third phase of human testing. COVIRAN BAREKAT, the first coronavirus vaccine made by researchers at the Headquarters for Executing the Order of […]
Posts Tagged ‘completing’
Unf*ck the Police: Anarchy and the Demilitarization of Law Enforcement
July 9th, 2016 Awake Goy
Gary ‘Z’ McGee, StaffWaking Times “When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect.” ~Thomas Paine I know what you’re probably thinking, here at the outset: “Not all cops are bad.” To which I say, “Pull your head out of authority’s ass!” Yes. Do exactly that. Saying, […]