The EPA is finally getting serious about imaginary global warming. It realizes that closing power plants is just not going to be enough to stop this non-happening global catastrophe. As everyone knows, the real source of imaginary global warming is people, and in order to solve this fictional problem, you need to reduce the […]
Posts Tagged ‘clueless’
EPA Still Selling Global Warming Remedies… ‘Reduce the Food Supply to Combat Global Warming’
May 31st, 2015 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
How did Americans get so utterly clueless about world events? (Hint: It was no accident.)
August 21st, 2011 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
by Cassandra for Veterans Today If you could just see what passes for “news” here in the USA, in both electronic and print media, you would understand American ignorance better. It is literally a 24/7 barrage of straight-faced lies, distortions, and slick disinformation delivered on almost every front—including the so-called “liberal-leaning” newspapers and magazines, […]