Blizzard Senate Antics: Senate Leader Surprises Lawmakers with New ISIS War Powers Request January 25th, 2016 Via: DefenseOne: SenÂate MaÂjorÂity LeadÂer Mitch McÂConÂnell offered memÂbers a snow-weekÂend surÂprise late WedÂnesÂday night: Quietly teeÂing up a deÂbate on the legÂal unÂderÂpinÂning for the fight against […]
Posts Tagged ‘clue’
Blizzard Senate Antics: Senate Leader Surprises Lawmakers with New ISIS War Powers Request
A Palestinian call for “unarmed warfare”
By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth Behind the headline news of clashes between Palestinian youths and armed Israeli soldiers, Israel has – as ever – been quietly tightening its grip on Palestinians’ lives in the occupied territories. Last week in Hebron, a current flashpoint, 50 embattled families still living in the Tel Rumeida neighbourhood faced a […]
The American economy is in shambles and Bernanke has no clue what to do about it
Madison RuppertActivist Post Monday, August 29, 2011 For most informed people in the United States, it has become clear that over the past century the private Federal Reserve has been doing nothing other than systematically devaluing and debasing the dollar while destroying the American economy in every way imaginable. This notion was just made that […]