This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. The first installment of The Panama Chronicles, investigators look at the origin of the alleged ‘hack’ and how it went public. Most importantly though, they expose who is really behind the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), a group of ‘journalists’ who managed the […]
Posts Tagged ‘chronicles’
Russia Foiled US Imperial Plans for Syria
by Stephen Lendman Syria is Obama’s war, naked aggression using imported death squads, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, following a similar strategy she devised to topple Gaddafi and rape Libya. Russia’s intervention in Syria last September dramatically changed the dynamic on the ground. “(S)upport given…to the legitimate government of Syria helped prevent the […]
$1400 Device Can Cause LTE Mobile Phones to Use Compromised 2G Networks
$1400 Device Can Cause LTE Mobile Phones to Use Compromised 2G Networks March 13th, 2016 Via: Bloomberg: Phones now operate on more sophisticated 3G and 4G (also known as LTE) networks. In theory, IMSI catchers can pinpoint only the location of these phones, not […]
Cairo Clashes: The Chronicles of Egypt Copts
“With Egypt military council siding with the Islamist front while dragging its feet on getting the police forces back on the street and properly functioning again, the Christian minority (10% of Egyptian population) remains in limbo.” Dr. Ashraf Ezzat Egypt christians (Copts) rallying in front the state TV building at downtown Cairo Cairo […]
Classified:The Wanta Chronicles, the Covert Economic War
BUSH ON 9/11, BARKSDALE AFB, VERY MUCH IN CONTROL….BEFORE THE ATTACK Editor’s notes: Among the documents and extensive narrative here is the story of the most classified operations since World War II. Herein is also included a broad history of a vast international criminal conspiracy at the heart of the American government. The stories […]
Classified: The Wanta Chronicles, the Covert Economic War
BUSH ON 9/11, BARKSDALE AFB, VERY MUCH IN CONTROL….BEFORE THE ATTACK Editor’s notes: Among the documents and extensive narrative here is the story of the most classified operations since World War II. Herein is also included a broad history of a vast international criminal conspiracy at the heart of the American government. The stories begin […]
The Clinton Chronicles
Awakening The World … … Every Heart Makes A Difference And The Non-Compli-Dance New times now added for the Americas and Australia/New Zealand. Read more … New David Icke App Now Available Europe … Australia … New Zealand … the United States David Icke’s round-the-world tour between September and December Australia and New Zealand dates […]