Posts Tagged ‘Christopher Hitchens’

Sam Harris and the dangers of false atheism

Recently, a heated email exchange occurred between Noam Chomsky and Sam Harris. It was another nail in the coffin of a movement that was almost taken seriously when it was launched ten years ago. But something was rotten in the kingdom of New Atheists from the very start. Christopher Hitchens brought all of his newfound […]

George Soros Nazi Jew hiding behind a fake greek name

Uploaded by flywheel091 on Apr 24, 2010 – CommieTunes Episode 9 – Starring George Soros, Jeffrey Sachs, Bill Gates, Eric Schimdt, Al Gore, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jim Hansen, Lord Monckton, Daniel Ellsberg, Arianna Huffington, Henry Kissinger, Christopher Hitchens, Noam Chomsky, Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Tim Geithner, Paul […]

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