It appears some internet sleuths have uncovered a number of individuals in the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus who have already been convicted of “coming for children.” Excuse the terrible audio and editing of this video. Skip to about 45 seconds in to get to the names and faces. link Share now! Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘chorus’
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus: “We’re Coming for Your Children”
A bunch of San Francisco sodomites have come out and made it very clear that their goal is to “convert” your children and push the gay agenda down their throats without you being able to stop them. Bitchute link [embedded content] Take a look at the amount of dislikes And here are the top comments: […]
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Joins Chorus of Condemnation of Capitol Attack
Republican Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem has joined other GOP members who are condemning the protests at the Capitol on Wednesday that led to one woman being shot and dying. “We are all entitled to peacefully protest,” Noem tweeted on Wednesday afternoon. “Violence is not a part of that. What’s happening in the Capitol […]
The Shills’ Chorus: ‘I Know a Guy Who Knows a Guy Who Was Shot in Vegas’
By Russ Winter One of the common tactics in staged deceptions are flurries of comments in which the poster claims to know somebody who knows somebody who was killed or injured during an event. Typically, they’re at least two or three parties removed. The names of “victims” are rarely if ever mentioned. The claims are incredibly scripted […]
Putin Bans Rothschilds From Russia
Brave Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances.” Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he paid off the Rothschild’s debt and “grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.” This meeting featured the President […]
From "Cradle to Grave"… Vaccine Schedule Developed by Pfizer
It’s no secret that vaccines are virtually unparalleled moneymakers for the pharmaceutical industry, and one of the biggest players, Pfizer, has reportedly set its sights on a “significant expansion” of its vaccine repertoire. Recently on this blog we posed the question as to whether or not the “clean vaccine movement” and the clean food movements […]
Gold Down Further 2% – Chorus of ‘Gold Bubble’ Callers Such as Roubini Out in Force Again
Gold Core Thursday, August 25, 2011 All major currencies have risen against gold again today as the vicious sell off seen on Tuesday and particularly yesterday continued in Asia overnight and in Europe. Gold is trading at USD 1,723.80, EUR 1,192.10, GBP 1,052.90, CHF 1,369.50 and JPY 133,225 per ounce. Gold at $1,700/oz Remains $800 […]