The establishment got another burning in the French elections on Sunday, revealing again that there is no level of voter disgust that will not find some voice in the current range of elections. The terror for pollsters and the establishment now is whether Marine Le Pen will realise her anti-Euro project and drag the French […]
Posts Tagged ‘choices’
The 75th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa: The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union
On this 75th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union the Russians will once again remind the world that the Red Army saved European civilisation as well as Russia from the Nazis Seventy-five years ago Adolf Hitler launched the biggest and most destructive military campaign in history when three million German and […]
ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…
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FSA rejects local ceasefires, supports halt in Syria peace talks
The loose coalition of armed opposition groups, united under the US-backed umbrella organization dubbed the Free Syrian Army, issued an official statement on Sunday, in which it claimed that any attack on their individual units will be treated as one on the whole bloc after its formation. “We – the armed groups from across Syria […]
Low-life slum and pavement BLM niggers ratchet up the commie JEWS’ attacks on righteous TRUMP supporters
Low-life slum and pavement BLM niggers ratchet up the commie JEWS’ attacks on righteous TRUMP supporters I think there will be massive civil disobedience and on-going altercations and even some form of war, if the GOP establishment and the delegates the Jew billionaires have ‘in their pocket’ go against the will of the majority of Republican […]
The repeated circle of lies against Andrew Wakefield all trace back to Bill Gates, proponent of global depopulation and genocide against humanity
(NaturalNews) For years, the medical community, Big Pharma, academia and certain philanthropic foundations have repeatedly sought to discredit and ruin Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British former gastroenterologist and medical researcher who demonstrated a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. One of the philanthropist organizations involved in the effort to discredit Wakefield is […]
American Prescription Drug Use More Than Doubles
Julie Fidler, Natural SocietyWaking Times Rises to nearly 60% More Americans take prescription medications than ever before – nearly 60% – and obesity could be to blame. A new study published in JAMA shows that the number of people taking prescription drugs increased from 51% of the adult population in 1999 […]