Want a ringside seat for the war on crime? Go to killedbypolice.net. A few hours ago (as I write this), the site had listed 1,191 police killings in the U.S. this year. I just looked again. The total is up one. This, about killing number 1,192, is from the Fresno Bee, which the site […]
Posts Tagged ‘chicagos’
How CalPERS Violated California Open Meeting Laws to Stifle Private Equity Skeptics and Keep the Board in the Dark
Please see the preceding posts in our CalPERS Debunks Private Equity series: • Executive Summary* Investors Like CalPERS Rely on ILPA to Advance Their Cause, When It is Owned by Private Equity General Partners* Harvard Professor Josh Lerner Gave Weak and Internally Contradictory Plug for Private Equity at CalPERS Workshop* CalPERS Used Sleight of Hand, Accounting Tricks, to […]
For real? Turkish coastguard ‘filmed’ Greek coastguard ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat
A Greek coastguard has been accused of deliberately trying to sink an inflatable refugee boat carrying Syrian refugees crossing the Aegean Sea. A video shows a man seemingly trying to prod the life raft with a pole. The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board […]
París, París… ¿nos vamos a sumar a la hipocresía mundial?
Es inevitable, y es correcto, que nos sintamos horrorizados por los atentados terroristas de París que han producido la muerte de cientos de personas inocentes, como es correcto que expresemos nuestra solidaridad con esas víctimas y con sus familias, y, por supuesto, que condenemos esa forma de actuar del llamado Estado Islámico… Pero no podemos […]
Nanny States of America – Parents Arrested for Letting Kids Play on Beach, Girl Given Detention for Hugging Friend
I haven’t covered the American nanny state in a while, but two articles recently caught my eye and I simply have to share. The first one relates to two parents charged with “reckless endangerment of a child,” for letting their two boys play on a Cape Cod beach for an hour unsupervised. From […]
Nanny States of America – Parents Arrested for Letting Kids Play on Beach, Girl Given Detention for Hugging Friend
I haven’t covered the American nanny state in a while, but two articles recently caught my eye and I simply have to share. The first one relates to two parents charged with “reckless endangerment of a child,” for letting their two boys play on a Cape Cod beach for an hour unsupervised. From […]
Every 2.8 Days in the UK a Man Kills A Woman!
United Kingdom — In a case of white privilege personified, Oscar Pistorius is kicking back on his sofa today after serving less than a year in jail for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. ~ Michaela Whitton Male violence against women is global — and a consequence of inequality. As the U.K. press goes […]