Posts Tagged ‘cervical’

New Study Proposes That The HPV Vaccine Is Responsible For The Rise In Cervical Cancer Rates

Next Story When the U.S. introduced the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in 2006, cervical cancer rates had been steadily declining for several decades, in large part due to successful and routinized cervical cancer screening. A similar trend also was underway in Europe, including in Scandinavia. Within that region, Sweden stood out as having the lowest levels of cervical cancer. Sweden […]

Dr Peter Duesberg: HPV Does Not Cause Cervical Cancer

Dr. Peter Duesberg, professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, claims that HPV does not cause cervical cancer and has warned that the HPV vaccine is both “useless” and “dangerous.” In a paper recently published in Molecular Cytogenetic entitled, “Individual karyotypes at the origins of cervical carcinomas,” researchers conclude that the vaccine against human […]

Gardasil Scientist: Vaccine Is Riskier Than Getting Cervical Cancer

One of the leading Gardasil scientists for Merck, Dr. Diane Harper, claims the vaccine is riskier than actually getting cervical cancer.  Young girls and their parents should be given more warnings before receiving the vaccine, according to Dr. Harper. reports: Dr. Harper helped design and carry out the Phase II and Phase III safety and […]

Rape victim who escaped home, ran naked into store seeking help and was told to leave

     A Lawrence woman who says her boyfriend tied her up, raped her and threatened to shoot her initially couldn’t get help when she escaped from the Newberry Street apartment she’d been held in. The Eagle-Tribune reports the woman ran naked into the street, with her hands still bound behind her and screaming that someone […]

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