“What kind of a person must one be to rest assured that in the modern world and with the present level of technology it’s possible to fight with an Internet portal by forbidding it to use an lv domain?” he said in an interview with Vesti Segodnya local newspaper. “The same applies to the prohibition of […]
Posts Tagged ‘ceres’
Blocking of Russian media in Latvia is ‘shameful, stupid, undemocratic’, Riga mayor says
April 20th, 2016 Awake Goy
Security forces nab ISIS-linked militants, tons of explosives seized in southern Russia
March 18th, 2016 Awake Goy
Three Islamic State-affiliated extremists who were plotting attacks in Russia have been arrested in southern republic of Dagestan, officials said, adding that police seized over 1 ton of explosives and 5 kg of TNT in homemade bombs.The fighters were detained in the village of Mutsalaul, 72 km from the republic’s capital, Makhachkala. All of […]
You thought New York snowboarding was cool? Here’s how Russians do cool (VIDEO)
February 1st, 2016 Awake Goy
READ MORE: YouTuber snowboards through NYC despite police order, the result is magic (VIDEO) “My friends and I decided we’re done with our office routine and office deadlines and arranged a snowboard ride with an infantry fighting vehicle [IFV],” blogger Pavel Makarov, who organized the event, told RT’s Ruptly news agency. Pavel and his mates, […]