(Natural News) If inhaling everyday cleaning products or simply someone’s perfume makes your eyes water or your nose runny in an instant, or gives you a rush of nausea, you may be one of the people suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), according to a report by the Daily Mail. This illness, also known as […]
Posts Tagged ‘catchall’
Toxin overload: If you’re allergic to everything you may be labeled with the new catchall diagnosis, MCS
November 11th, 2017 Awake Goy
Blasphemy and terrorism: Catchall phrases to repress dissent
May 5th, 2017 Awake Goy
By James M. Dorsey Blasphemy has joined terrorism as a catchall phrase to intimidate, incarcerate and kill critics and political opponents as well as stifle unfettered debate and settle scores. There is, however, one difference: terrorism is a justification for curbing freedom of expression often used by governments irrespective of how democratic or undemocratic they […]