If the United States shifts frozen Russian assets to Ukraine, it would be cataclysmic for the US Dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, says Nobel Prize winning Yale professor, Robert Shiller. “If America does this to Russia today… then tomorrow it can do this to anyone,” he told Italian news outlet La Repubblica in […]
Posts Tagged ‘cataclysm’
Robert Shiller Warns Of ‘Cataclysm’ For US Dollar Reserve Status If Confiscated Russian Assets Given To Ukraine
The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer
The concept of cataclysm is very common in almost all mythologies and religions. It is when the god or gods decide that humanity is not serving them anymore and, thus, they order humanity’s destruction. Read more Section: News Myths & Legends Africa Read Later Views: 0
Year of Darkness: The Climate Cataclysm of 536 You’ve Never Heard Of
During 536 the world was beset by a long winter. Dubbed “the year of darkness” in the New Scientist , temperatures plummeted and the sun was dimmed by a vast fog which blocked its rays from hitting the earth during 24 hours a day over the course of 18 months. This climate cataclysm affected Europe, […]
All Blood Leads To Israel – Israel’s Role in the Cataclysm to Come
Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 5,789 other followers Source Article from https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2017/10/15/all-blood-leads-to-israel-israels-role-in-the-cataclysm-to-come/ Views: 0