The ancient and traditional Japanese class of warriors, known as the Samurai, have been widely immortalized in popular culture as the ultimate icon of military prowess, stealth, swordsmanship, loyalty, and honor. Known to be an elite group of military nobility, the Japanese Samurai were perhaps most revered for their codes of honor and principles, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Bushido’
Living the way of the Samurai warrior in everyday life: The seven principles of Bushido
January 22nd, 2018 Awake Goy
The Old World Order Khazar Nazi Jews
January 2nd, 2014 Awake Goy
by benjamin June 6, 2010 from BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website The participants at the just ended Bilderberger meeting in Spain (2010) are scared they are going to be identified and eventually hunted down, according to an inside source at the meeting. For now Clinton, Bush, Baker and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal […]