Posts Tagged ‘burger’

NASA To Experiment With Fire In Space

NASA is planning to start “the biggest man-made fire ever in space” aboard an unmanned Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo vehicle. In an experiment known as Saffire scientists want to find out how fire spreads in near-zero gravity in a bid to keep astronauts safe. International Business Times reports: The study is being developed by engineers […]

Discover Your Deepest Hidden Self : Leopold Szondi 80 Year Old Psychology Test With Pictures

Getting a glimpse at someone’s innermost hidden self is a consistent goal in the field of psychology, and one of the biggest advances came in 1935 with the Szondi Test. The test was designed in the 20th century by the Hungarian psychiatrist Leopold Szondi. The aim was to explore the deepest repressed impulses of a […]

USDA caught suppressing science on pesticides that are killing bee pollinators; take action to stop the federal government’s ‘black box science’

(NaturalNews) Much of the way things operate in the world today is based on the notion that if you speak the truth, you’ll receive some serious criticism. At the very least, people will look at you like a deer in the headlights, confused as to why you’re not embracing what’s really right. What’s […]

BREAKING: TERRIFYING Discoveries Inside Muslim “Refugee” Camps Puts Americans In EXTREME DANGER

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– A SHOCKING report has just come out which reveals that British authorities, including Prime Minister David Cameron were warned that radical Islamic groups including ISIS controlled refugee camps from where Britain will fly in Syrian ‘refugees’ – BEFORE the Government began bringing in the first wave of 20,000! The Prime Minister has come […]

Scotland’s Unique Solution to the Syrian Crisis Empowers Women

Michaela Whitton (AM) : Nicola Sturgeon has announced that Scotland is to help train Syrian women who are involved in the peace process. The Scottish government is to work with the U.N. to offer female peacemakers training in negotiation and communication. With the U.K. embroiled in its very own Battle of Britain on whether to […]

Why Sugar-Free Drinks Cause Tooth Decay & Other Amazing Facts

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals November 30, 2015   Researchers from the University of Melbourne Oral Health Cooperative Research Center have concluded a study on sugar-free food and drinks, only to find that these things will cause major tooth decay. Contrary to popular belief, of the 23 different […]

How ‘Convenient’… A Technical ‘Malfunction’ Deleted Entire Database of Documented Evidence of Paedophile Rings

London, UK — The Independent Inquiry Into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) apologized this week after vital testimony from victims of child sexual abuse was “instantly and permanently deleted” from their servers. ~ John Vibes – Video The agency said that the loss of data was due to a technical malfunction, which dumped an untold number of testimonies that […]

You Can Rent Out This Eerie, Abandoned Wizard Of Oz Theme Park‏

(Source: Emerald Mountain) Futuristic looking ski-lifts ran throughout, so you could enjoy the view of the mountains. (Source: Emerald Mountain) In 2015, the park is still standing, but remains abandoned all but one day a year when it opens to the public. Even though the park was refurbished by locals enough to reopen once a […]

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