Ksenia Smirnova performed the stunt almost totally naked in -11 C (12.2 F), which is relatively mild for a Siberian winter. She says it was not her first attempt at suspension jumping, as she jumped with hooks embedded into her back more than a year ago, but she didn’t like it then. After that first […]
Posts Tagged ‘btch’
Siberian daredevil bungee jumper plunges into icy river on rope attached to skin by hooks (VIDEO)
February 21st, 2016 Awake Goy
Governor Says He’ll Never Pardon Steve Avery; Man in “Making A Murder” Series
January 11th, 2016 Awake Goy
While the internet is all the buzz over Netflix’s Original Documentary Series, “Making a Murder”, Scott Walker (Governor of Wisconsin) has vowed to never pardon him. While it’s not really big news that a Governor refuses to pardon anyone, since only the select few ever are, the reason Walker stated for not pardoning Avery is […]