New archaeological evidence demonstrates that Britain’s Hadrian’s Wall was not a cause, but instead an effect of the cultural differences that already thrived between the two territories that would later become Scotland and England. Since the time of the 1st century Roman invasion of Britain, an incorrect stereotype maintains that ancient Scottish cultures were barbaric, […]
Posts Tagged ‘britannia’
Britannia Turns Back The Boats
Pushing people back across borders; turning asylum seekers away from shores. When such tactics were openly adopted and used with impunity by Australia’s navy and border force, it caused outrage and concern in the maritime community and pricked the interest of border protectionists the world over. Disgust and outrage have, in time, been replaced by […]
Roman Slave of Britannia, Shackled, And Thrown In A Ditch To Die
Shackled and tossed into a ditch not far from a proper Roman cemetery in England. This is how one British Roman slave died at the hands of Roman invaders. His body is now speaking of severe mistreatment and the brutalities of enslavement in Roman occupied Britain. We have all had, or have, a boss, family […]
Britannia Titanic – “UK Surveillance State More Suited to Dictatorship Than a Democracy”
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President Rouhani calls for respecting all ethnic groups
Tehran, June 19, IRNA – President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday urged government and local officials to have respect for all ethnic groups without any discrimination. Iran’s President made the comments during a cabinet meeting for electing a new governor general for Khuzestan province located in Southwestern Iran. Rouhani called on Gholamreza Shariati, who won the […]
Boin Dis Bitch Down; or, Great Moments in Jewish Chimpouts
A (no doubt trolling) Yahoo! Answers user offers the prompt, “Are Jews the most peaceful and caring people in the world?” Jews have done so much to help us black folks cuz they gave us BET and the NAACP. Others, such as Tim Wise, have been actively supporting our interests, and exposing how white racists […]