Posts Tagged ‘bosses’

ITV Bosses Will Pay For This Morning Employees To Have Counselling Over Phillip Schofield Scandal

ITV bosses have reportedly offered to to help This Morning Employees deal with the Philip Schofield ordeal, by paying for them to have counselling. The generous offer was announced after Holly Willoughby, Schofields former co […] The post ITV Bosses Will Pay For This Morning Employees To Have Counselling Over Phillip Schofield Scandal appeared first […]

Bosses Give Workers Bullshit ‘Manager’ Titles To Avoid Paying Overtime: Study

Getting a fancy new position at work is typically thought of as a good thing—a sign that someone is progressing in their career—but a new study shows that firms of all types and sizes are giving workers phony managerial titles in order to avoid paying them overtime in what researchers see as an exploitation of […]

Offices to stay open as bosses challenge Boris Johnson’s home working plea

PwC, KPMG, JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank are among businesses that do not intend to close their buildings down despite new Covid curbs By Simon Foy 9 December 2021 • 7:40pm Major employers have vowed to keep their offices open to staff and continue with face to face meetings as a City backlash mounts against […]

‘Tell the Bosses We’re Coming’

Above photo: Student Workers of Columbia-UAW Local 2110 walk the picket line on their strike over the university’s failure to bargain in good faith. The workers voted to form a union at the elite New York City school in 2016. They have fought tooth-and-nail since then, first for recognition of the union and then for […]

 Planning for a New, Better Future – A Review of No Bosses

As the world prepares to depart 2021 and head into 2022, it is clear that the United States is a declining economic power and that China continues its rapid upward trajectory. While homelessness and poverty sully the debt-laden US, China has eliminated extreme poverty. What is the American response to economic disparities domestically? Institute a […]

Fox 26 Reporter Ivory Hecker Releases Tape of Bosses; Sounds Alarm on ‘Corruption’ & ‘Censorship’

Fox 26 reporter Ivory Hecker was suspended today, after announcing live on-air that she had decided to come to Project Veritas for what she described as pure “corruption” at the Houston affiliate – She said the station’s actions are an affront to real journalism and claimed leadership prioritizes corporate interests over the viewer. Hecker obtained […]

New York City’s once-powerful Democratic bosses sit out mayor’s race

“We have heard reported over and over again that there is not a Queens candidate running for mayor. That is not true. I am the Queens candidate,” Adams, who grew up in Queens, told its Democratic county organization at a virtual forum earlier this month. “This is a borough that is dear to my heart.” […]

FBI Agent Who Found Hillary’s Emails On Weiner’s Laptop Says Bosses Told Him To Cover It Up

FBI agent John Robertson, the man who found Hillary Clinton’s emails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, claims he was advised by bosses to erase his own computer. Former FBI Director James Comey, you may recall, announced days before the 2016 presidential election that he had “learned of the existence” of the emails on Weiner’s laptop. Weiner […]

First Step To Stand Up To Bosses Is To Unionize Workplaces

First Step To Stand Up To Bosses Is To Unionize Workplaces Above Photo: From Because the best response to organized greed is organized labour So your boss is having a meltdown and taking out their emotions on you and your co-workers because Ontario finally raised the minimum wage. What do you do? That’s a very […]

Rule of the lawless: Democrat party bosses warn Trump not to interfere in Mueller witch-hunt

     Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is warning President Trump not to interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation after Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was charged as part of the probe. “The President must not, under any circumstances, interfere with the special counsel’s work in any way. If he does so, […]

Fraud: Britain Charges Barclays, Ex-Bosses Over ‘Unlawful’ Qatari Deal

Fraud: Britain Charges Barclays, Ex-Bosses Over ‘Unlawful’ Qatari Deal June 20th, 2017 Via: Reuters: Barclays (BARC.L) and four former top executives have been criminally charged over undisclosed payments to Qatari investors during a 12 billion pound ($15 billion) emergency fundraising in 2008. Britain’s Serious […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker – Zionist CBS Bosses Censor Oliver Stone on Zionist Election Hacking! And SPLC Role in DC Attack!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker talked about the amazing interviews conducted by Hollywood director Oliver Stone with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin is allowed to be himself in the interviews, and no doubt the viewing audience will be impressed. Meanwhile, in an appearance on CBS’s Late Night with Stephen Colbert, […]

Palestinian rights groups try to stop Gaza executions

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 26 May 2016 Palestinian human rights defenders are urging Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to halt planned executions in the Gaza Strip. Ashraf Amra APA images Palestinian and international human rights defenders are urging Hamas authorities not to proceed with planned executions in the Gaza Strip. Earlier this month, Ismail Jaber, […]

Dr. Duke and Rev. Dankof: Jewish Media Oligarchs Boast that They, Not the Voters, Rule America!

Dr. Duke and Rev. Dankof: Jewish Media Oligarchs Boast that They, Not the Voters, Rule America! Today Dr. Duke talked about the rigged political system in which Donald Trump can beat his rivals by millions of votes but have the nomination deprived him by party bosses. Add to this the overwhelming power of Jewish […]

John Kasich Is an Anti-White Propagandist for the Jews

Christopher Jon Bjerknes Republican Party presidential candidate John Kasich is an anti-White propagandist, who masks his hatred of the White Race behind a shroud of Christian Zionism. Like Mike Huckabee, Kasich has shamelessly participated in Fox News’ incestuous relationship between mass media and politics, a stark conflict of interests once strongly condemned in Western Civilization. […]

The Coming Trump Assassination and Scalia Murder-Doug Hagmann Interviews Dave Hodges

Doug Hagmann Doug Hagmann interviewed Dave Hodges on several critical issues including the following:   The intent of the Department of Justice to arrest members of the Independent Media for covering issues related to what the government calls domestic terrorism (e.g. pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitution, identifying criminality of the federal government […]

Vladimir Putin Accused Of Being An Alien From Planet RU-thless84

As relations between Russia and the West grow increasingly chilly, US officials have revealed that Vladimir Putin is an alien from a cold and distant planet. The Russian leader visits planet RU-thless84 on occasions, where it is rumored he stores his loot from his strong-arm tactics on earth. Putin is reported to have accumulated tens […]

Japan’s Fukushima Lies Blow Up With Admission Of First Radiation Cancer Casualty

The main reason why Japan has been able to successfully push the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster far out of the public eye, is for the simple reason that the tragic fallout from said disaster would take many years to materialize: after all, it takes a long time between the initial irradiation to […]

Insurance bosses to front inquiry

SEVERAL Queensland home owners dissatisfied with their insurers will today speak at an inquiry into the state’s summer of floods. The vexed issue of insurance was outlined as a major focus of the second round of inquiry hearings, which started more than two weeks ago. The Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry has, in recent weeks, […]

WikiLeaks – War on Terror No Problem for Israeli Crime Bosses

Major Organized Crime Families Have Been Moving Freely Between Israel and U.S.   Was Loophole Left Open on Purpose?   by  Jim W. Dean    “…application of INA 212(a)(3)(A)(ii) against Israeli OC [Organized Crime] is not specifically authorized per Foreign Affairs Manual 40.31 N5.3.  As such, Israelis who are known to work for or belong […]

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