Hitler and Bormann, left. After the war, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of the West German Intelligence Agency, (BND), confirmed his wartime suspicions. Martin Bormann, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, had been a “Soviet” spy, with Hitler’s complicity. Hitler was an Illuminati agent mandated to lead Germany into a catastrophic defeat in order to snuff out German nationalism once and for […]
Posts Tagged ‘Bormann’
British Rescued Martin Bormann from Berlin
“M SECTION” (For Morton), A PEDOPHILE PARADISE? Officially Desmond Morton was Winston Churchill’s “adviser.” In fact, he was in charge of a top secret Illuminati organization dedicated to advancing world government dictatorship through skullduggery. It was funded by the “Crown” i.e. the Rothschild’s Bank of England. It answered only to Churchill who, of course, answered […]
Martin Bormann Spilled Vital Secrets to Soviets
(Bormann, right, with Hitler) Nazi Pary Secretary Martin Bormann was at the heart of the Nazi apparatus. He signed Hitler’s paycheck. Louis Kilzer examined the wire traffic between the spy known as “Werther” and Moscow and determined that only Bormann had access to this information. “The Soviets were able to ask very detailed questions about Nazi […]
Zionists Participate in Bormann’s Post-War Nazi Empire
September 2, 2015 Their organization holds the bearer bonds that give him a voice in banks and industries of Germany, and likewise they hold blue chip stocks in U.S. heavy industries and chemical companies. They are represented too on the boards of corporations in France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as […]
Zionists Participate in Bormann’s Post-War Nazi Empire
September 2, 2015 Their organization holds the bearer bonds that give him a voice in banks and industries of Germany, and likewise they hold blue chip stocks in U.S. heavy industries and chemical companies. They are represented too on the boards of corporations in France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as […]
Zionists Participate in Bormann’s Nazi Financial Empire
September 2, 2015 Their organization holds the bearer bonds that give him a voice in banks and industries of Germany, and likewise they hold blue chip stocks in U.S. heavy industries and chemical companies. They are represented too on the boards of corporations in France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as […]
Zionists Participate in Bormann’s Nazi Financial Empire
September 2, 2015 Their organization holds the bearer bonds that give him a voice in banks and industries of Germany, and likewise they hold blue chip stocks in U.S. heavy industries and chemical companies. They are represented too on the boards of corporations in France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as […]