Posts Tagged ‘bolshevik’

The Social Contract is Broken | What is now happening in the US mirrors the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

The Social Contract is Broken Henry Makow What is now happening in the US mirrors the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Will it be followed by a Red Terror? “This is the test. If Trump retains the Presidency, he is a genuine American patriot. But if he doesn’t, it means he took a fall because he is […]

Back in Print: ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume III World War I Second Edition

Christopher Jon Bjerknes I have just released the revised, enlarged and illustrated second edition of my book ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume III World War I. It is available in paperback and as an ePub Ebook file here: ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume III World War I PAPERBACK ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST […]

Back in Print: ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume II Zionism Second Edition

Christopher Jon Bjerknes My book ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume II Zionism is back in print in a revised, enlarged and illustrated second edition: ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume II Zionism PAPERBACK ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume II Zionism ePub EBOOK FILE Views: 0

Spain: Bolshevik Regime Passes Law Giving Powers to Remove ‘Hate Messages’ From Social Media

All over Europe the Bolshevik scum are using the coronavirus to push through totalitarian legislation limiting the speech of opponents of Globohomo. Europa Press: El Congreso de los Diputados, con el voto en contra de PP y Vox, ha aprobado este lunes una iniciativa de Unidas Podemos por la que se insta al Gobierno a […]

Third Position – Unmasking The Bolshevik Agenda

This article will explore some of the more modern Third Position parties and how they pretend to be on our side, when they are really just masking their true allegiances. Terza Posizione, an Italian Third Positionist party, was formed by ex members of the Evola-inspired Ordine Nuovo, Avanguarda Nazionale, and members of Mutti’s Lotta di […]

In Print: Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Volume II Zionism

Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Volume II Zionism is an in depth examination of the documented collaboration between the Nazis and the Zionists. It is available here in paperback: and here as an ebook: Views: 0

How Jewish was the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia?

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VIDEO: Bolshevik Revolution & Freemasonry

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The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime

by MARK WEBER (Major reference work : 6000 words) Begin at TOP RIGHT (date 1900) and proceed clockwise to 1929 when Stalin became supreme dictator of the Soviet Union LD:  It is important to note that Jews made up roughly 82% of the Bolshevik government in 1917 when the Russian Revolution began. This was a […]

Russia’s past, America’s future? Jews Admit The Bolshevik Revolution Was A Jewish Plot Against Christian Russia

Jews Admit The Bolshevik Revolution Was A Jewish Plot Against Christian Russia  ED-NOTE – Something to think about: Czar comes from Caesar and the last Russian dynasty was named the ROMANov. J.POST – Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, Stalin led them out of the Politburo,” whispered veterans of the Bolshevik Revolution, as winter […]

Jews Admit The Bolshevik Revolution Was A Jewish Plot Against Christian Russia

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Bolshevik Holocaust Deniers and Norm Macdonald’s Jewish Time Travel

During a game of poker with Playboy bunnies, comedian Norm Macdonald explained to fellow card players that there was a genocide in Russia against the ethnically Russian people. The only people that were in attendance outside of Norman were Jewish men and brain dead female porno stars. This poker game happened live on national television […]

How They Do It– Russian TV series claims Jew Trotsky masterminded bloody 1917 Bolshevik revolution

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eBOOK: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists, By Anthony Sutton (1974) “Sutton comes to conclusions that are uncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason, his work tends to be either dismissed out of hand as ‘extreme’ or, more […]

The Alt-Right and the Bolshevik Use of St. George and Archangel Michael for Propaganda

Christopher Jon Bjerknes The Alt-Right and Putin apologists often depict themselves and/or Putin as if St. George the Dragon Slayer. See, for example, this: On the famous Serbian icon St. George is slaying the dragon, and here St. Putin is killing Obama! As I have previously noted, the bolsheviks employed this same imagery to glorify […]

Dr. Duke & Pastor Dankof Expose the Jewish/Bolshevik Greatest Mass Murder Holocaust in History & Fake Media True Holocaust Denial !

Download Today Dr. Duke had a special show on the genocide committed by Jews in 1930’s Soviet Union against the Ukrainian and Russian peoples that killed 7-11 million people. Dr. Duke read from multiple Jewish sources about the scope and scale of his man-made famine known as the Holodomor, which was created by insane privatization […]

Russians were holocausted by Bolshevik Jews

Here it must be pointed out that the Cheka was under the control of Jews, according to documents now available. Much of this was known already in 1925. The researcher Larseh wrote in his book “The Blood-Lust of Bolshevism” (Wurttemberg, p. 45) that 50 per cent of the Cheka consisted of Jews with Jewish names, […]

Uganda: “President” Wins Election as Opponent Arrested

Uganda’s incumbent President Yoweri Museveni has been declared the winner of that country’s presidential election after opposition leader Kizza Besigye was arrested Thursday as voting took place. The country’s election commission said Saturday that Museveni, who has held power since 1986, had 60.7 percent of the vote. Ugandan police said they had arrested the […]

NFL Star Making $48.5 MILLION Has THIS To Say About The American Dream

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– If you were a multi million dollar player in the NFL, won the Superbowl and have achieved the American dream wouldn’t you have the utmost respect and appreciation for the country that made all that success possible? I know I would! Not if you are Seattle Seahawks lineman Russell Okung. This […]

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