The hits keep coming from STRANGER THAN FICTION NEWS (@STFNREPORT on Telegram), who have just uploaded the latest leak from the opening ceremony at the infamous Bohemian Grove. I first learned of Bohemian Grove in 1995, when I read the seminal book by MK ULTRA survivor, Cathy O’Brien, ‘TRANCE Formation of America’, in which Cathy […]
Posts Tagged ‘bohemian’
Bohemian Grove Infiltrated
The Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre virgin redwood grove in Northern California, 75 miles north of San Francisco (map), where the rich, the powerful, and their entourage visit with each other during the last two weeks of July while camping out in cabins and tents. Source Views: 2
Interview 1817 – Bohemian Grove Sacrifices Staffers – #NewWorldNextWeek
This week on the New World Next Week: The people push back against the WHO pandemic treaty at the EU parliament; Ireland prepares to sacrifice 200,000 cows on the altar of Mother Earth; and Bohemian Grove staffers sue over their mistreatment at the hands of club members. The post Interview 1817 – Bohemian Grove […]
The CIA Controlled Enclave Bohemian Grove Rips Off Workers
Bohemian Grove Sued by Workers for Wage Theft By infostormer – June 19, 2023 0 The Bohemian Grove is being sued by their own workers for wage theft. This is a place in the woods of northern California where a bunch of politicians, businessmen and other power brokers gather every summer to pay […]
Stunning 5th Century Bohemian Jewelry Discovered in Czech Republic
Archaeologists from the Czech Republic’s Rakovník Museum have announced the discovery of a rare Bohemian gold ring and clasp or buckle dating back to the 5th century. Unearthed last summer by amateur metal detectorists working near the west Bohemian town of Rakovník, the stunning set of jewelry is ablaze with exotic precious stones. According to […]
The Blind Bohemian General: Czech Hero Jan Zizka and the Hussite Wars
Jan Zizka is best remembered for his involvement in the Hussite Wars, during which he became the leader of the Taborites. A Bohemian general, who lived between the 14 th and 15 th centuries, Zizka has gone down in history as one of the finest military strategists of all time. Despite being at the head of a […]
Bohemian Grave Yields Rare and Fascinating Artifacts
Archaeologists in the Czech Republic have published their findings of a 1,600-year-old grave site discovered in 2019 in what was once eastern Bohemia. If the six graves found, five had already become victim to the vulturous grave robbers, but one belonged to a woman and was found intact with a series of unexpected artifacts. Unearthing […]
Anti-Bohemian Grove Political Activist Rock Group Sacred Owls Put Out Paul Bonacci Testimony Comic Book / Album
{Sacred Owls} On Halloween 2017, Coffins Comix was born with a new way to fight the REAL information war. The kids don’t want to read cryptic documents or watch grainy, unfinished documentaries about the rape and murder of children at Bohemian Grove! So we made some rock music and a graphic novel with Paul Bonacci’s […]
New House of Cards Features Mock Human Sacrifice at Bohemian Grove-Like Retreat
The latest season of the Netflix drama House of Cards features an episode in which politicians attend a Bohemian Grove-like retreat complete with an ominous statue and a mock human sacrifice. Season 5, episode 8, puts the series’ protagonist Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, inside a wooded retreat for powerful men dubbed, “Elysian Fields.” […]
The failure of the borderless Schengen Area scheme implemented by the European Union has prompted Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg to warn her country will abandoned the Geneva Convention and close the border if Sweden collapses. Solberg said on Tuesday a border closure and rejection of the EU Schengen Area will be imposed in the […]
Herbert Smagon: Witness of the German Tragedy in the 20th Century
Most of us have seen these images many times before but failed to spot the author. This is not surprising at all. The information available on the internet about Herbert Smagon to be found in English is very sketchy, though it can be found in other different European languages, like German and Italian, also in […]