Posts Tagged ‘blair’

Christian Nationalist Pastor Paul Blair Melts Down Over Pride Month

Paul Blair is a far-right pastor and Christian nationalist who runs an organization called Liberty Pastors, which is dedicated to training pastors to become more involved politically. To that end, Liberty Pastors regularly hosts multi-day retreats around the nation where local pastors and their spouses are instructed by right-wing speakers like Rick Scarborough, Mat Staver, […]

Calling For A Reset With Europe Blair Warns Politics Risks Becoming Populated By The ‘Weird & Wealthy’

Former UK Prime minister Tony Blair has warned that politics risks becoming a branch of celebrity populated by the “weird and the wealthy” as he called for a reset of Britain’s relationship with Eurrope The […] The post Calling For A Reset With Europe Blair Warns Politics Risks Becoming Populated By The ‘Weird & Wealthy’ […]

Blair Gaza plan is to ‘complete Balfour Declaration’, presidency warns

January 1, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Palestinian presidency expresses strong rejection of the Israeli plot to forcibly displace Palestinians in a plan to be executed by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. The Palestinian Presidency warned of attempts to “complete the Balfour Declaration” after reports that the Israeli occupation entity delegated […]


There is something very odd about the way that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has never quite left the centre of the political stage. He is so widely loathed by the British public – as a hypocritical war criminal who used the Labour Party to advance a cruel neoliberal agenda – that when he […]

Blair And The Rothschilds

Lest you think the latest news is good. As always the globalists don’t disappear they are moved on to other ‘favorable’ posts (having first been knighted of course … like NZ’s JA) … EWNZ “The latest nauseating news is that the 70-year-old warmonger, once suggested as full-time “president of Europe” by the then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, […]

Bankman-Fried Admits To Wining And Dining With Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, In Last Day Of Testimony

Bankman-Fried Admits To Wining And Dining With Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, In Last Day Of Testimony The end to Sam Bankman-Fried’s time on the witness stand at his own trial was, to say the least, unceremonious. On the last day of his cross-examination, Tuesday, SBF testified that he was aware in 2020 that FTX’s customer funds […]

Blair, Gates and Google: how education was captured

by DR URSULA EDGINGTON Tuesday, 26th September 2023 As well as being theory-based, teaching and learning are creative, artistic pursuits. And as debates about Artificial Intelligence (AI) show, art cannot be defined, created or enjoyed without our humanity. That’s perhaps why in New Zealand, the Māori word ako means both teaching and learning: ako is interconnected as simultaneously student and teacher learn and teach together. […]

Pedophiles for Globalism-Bill Clinton, Tony Blair & the Pope of Pedophile Priest

Blair with good buttie Jimmy Savile who is known to have raped dead bodies, raped multitudes of children, provided children to British fake royals, politicians and “elites” to rape and sometimes murder Pedo pope with his known Pedo Cardinal which the pope protected from punishment for raping children You “bless” the little boys popester. I’ll […]

Paul Blair Is Teaching Pastors That the Federal Welfare System Violates ‘God’s Design’

Liberty Pastors is a Christian nationalist organization dedicated to training pastors to become more involved politically. Founded by religious-right activists Dan Fisher and Paul Blair, Liberty Pastors hosts multi-day retreats around the nation where local pastors and their spouses are instructed by right-wing speakers like Rick Scarborough, Mat Staver, Rick Green, E.W. Jackson, Alex McFarland, […]

Tony Blair Knew Bombing Iraq Would Be Illegal But Went Ahead Anyway

According to declassisifed documents, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair ordered the bombings of Iraq despite repeated warnings that such moves were unlawful. Blair authorized four days of bombing in December 1998 even though he […] The post Tony Blair Knew Bombing Iraq Would Be Illegal But Went Ahead Anyway appeared first on The People's […]

Ukraine war shows West’s dominance is ending as China rises, Blair says

The Ukraine war shows that the West's dominance is coming to an end as China rises to superpower status in partnership with Russia at one of the most significant inflection points in centuries, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, Reuters reported. The world, Blair said, was at a turning point in history comparable with […]


» New lamp generates light for 45 days with half-liter of salt waterYesterday at 1:08 pm by PurpleSkyz » Mystery of ‘cube’ on the Moon has been solvedYesterday at 12:42 pm by PurpleSkyz » Australia: Thousands rally against vaccination of childrenYesterday at 11:42 am by PurpleSkyz » Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID VaccinesYesterday […]

Blair’s knighthood triggers public outrage

Blair’s knighthood triggers public outrage – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN- More than one million people have signed a petition calling for former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair to have his controversial knighthood removed with the number rising literally by the minute. The fact that the knighthood was announced on New Year Eve, and the petition has reached […]


Sinead O’Connor has announced that her 17-year-old son Shane (pictured) has died. [embedded content]… Nicola Horlick and Georgie. ‘There were thuds as photos and paintings mysteriously fell from the walls of our London home.  ‘More extraordinary still was the glass chess board that seemed to float in the air, unsupported, before crashing to the ground […]


[embedded content]… Netherlands ‘In 2032, 18 years after an attempt to stop global warming via stratospheric aerosol injection catastrophically backfires and creates a new ice age, the remnants of humanity have taken to a self-sustaining circumnavigational train, the Snowpiercer, run by reclusive transportation magnate Wilford. ‘The passengers on the train are segregated, with the elite […]


BODY DOUBLES, LOOKALIKES?Unknown commented – IN COURT, GHISLAINE MAXWELL ‘LOOKED LIKE SHE JUST STEPPED OFF A YACHT’ “Questioned about the evidence against her on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, her brother Ian Maxwell said that conditions in her remand prison were grim … “But Maxwell in court looked fantastic, as if she had stepped off […]

Outrage As Tony Blair Recieves Knighthood

Former British prime minister Tony Blair has received a knighthood with the highest possible ranking in the Queen’s new years honours list. While the decision has been sparked outrage from Brits who accusing the former Labour leader of being a war criminal, Blair said it was an “immense honour” to have been made a Knight […]

Tony Blair’s Christmas Message: “The Unvaxxed Are a Bunch of Idiots!”

Former prime minister Tony Blair angrily lashed out at unvaccinated people on Wednesday, declaring them “idiots” for refusing to take the experimental shot. The former Labour PM told Times Radio that he thinks unjabbed individuals need to be bully and harassed into receiving the jab. “Frankly, if you’re not vaccinated at the moment and you’re […]

Tony Blair Says People Who Are Eligible But Choose Not To Get Jabbed Are Idiots

Former UK prime minister Tony Blair has lashed out at people who have chosen not to get jabbed against covid, branding them “irresponsible idiots”. Blair, the notorious war criminal also says he has backed the Governments decision not to impose further Covid restrictions before Christmas but described the move as a “gamble”. MSN reports: Speaking […]

UK Must Prepare For Fourth Covid Jab Says Tony Blair

Former UK prime minister Tony Blair is urging the government to create a ‘command-and-control’ team that could help it remain “ahead of the curve” and roll out more vaccines quickly. The war criminal also recommended that a vaccine infrastructure that could be mobilised within 48 hours be put in place, in anticipation that a fourth […]

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