By Mark Anderson 21st Century Wire More advance notice than perhaps ever before has been given this year regarding where and when the infamous, highly secretive Bilderberg Group will next meet. Apparently, the “Bilderbergers,” as they’re often called, will return to Italy for the first time in 14 years, having last met there in 2004 […]
Posts Tagged ‘bilderberg’
Michael Collins Piper: Bilderberg’s ‘Nazi Roots’ Debunked
For many years we have heard all about how the globalist elites are part of a Germanic Death Cult, meeting at “Nazi” Bilderberg. It’s all bogus. Source Article from Views: 0
Bilderberg on Steroids – Meet the Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind the ‘War on Terror’
Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to impact global events — but reports indicate that they don’t hold a candle to another group that includes a host of war criminals responsible for the “War on Terror.” The group is named Le Cercle. In […]
Bilderberg on Steroids – Meet the Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind the ‘War on Terror’
Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to impact global events — but reports indicate that they don’t hold a candle to another group that includes a host of war criminals responsible for the “War on Terror.” The group is named Le Cercle. In […]
Bilderberg on Steroids – Meet The Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind The “War on Terror”
By Rachel Blevins Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to impact global events—but reports indicate that they don’t hold a candle to another group that includes a host of war criminals responsible for the “War on Terror.” The group is named […]
VIDEO: The Bilderberg Plan For Agenda 2030 On Steroids
Hello Zionist Report Followers! As you know, our mission is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH. And, we need your help to achieve it. We are a team of two journalists that are tirelessly working on this mission. We have grown tremendously since we launched in January. And now we are looking to take our growth to […]
Fresh From Bilderberg, McMaster Urges Another Afghan ‘Surge’
The failure to hold the Iraq War perpetrators accountable has led to false narratives about “successful surges” that never really succeeded — and now may allow the Afghan slaughter to escalate, reports James W Carden. By James W Carden Over the weekend, the New York Times reported that President Trump’s National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster […]
Why Is The Director of CERN At The Bilderberg Conference?
For those of you who don’t know, CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is essentially the European equivalent of the US Atomic Energy Commission. Its scientists study the nature of our reality and the structure of the universe. Colliding particles together, for instance, they hope to find the “God” particle — an enormously difficult and controversial task. Many […]
Bilderberg Waging a ‘War on Information’
As elites from the financial, corporate, media and government spheres meet in private at the Bilderberg Group meeting this weekend, take a moment to remember the group’s history. To an outside observer, the most notable feature of the group is the collective power held by its members. The second most obvious thing would be the […]
Flashback: Bilderberg Demands Trump “Be Stopped”
Flashback: Bilderberg Demands Trump “Be Stopped” “Nationalism is dangerous,” the sinister network once said Kit DanielsPrison June 3, 2017 The Bilderberg Group is secretly plotting to overthrow President Trump, given past statements by its network that Trump must be stopped and that nationalism is dangerous. At this years meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, the attendee […]
Trump Needs YOU at Bilderberg! Come and Support USA & Protest Globalists!
Trump Needs YOU at Bilderberg! Come and Support USA & Protest Globalists! PLEASE help Trump by standing up to the globalists outside Bilderberg today! Prison June 3, 2017 Going to the Trump rally at the White House? Afterwards, support President Trump outside the Bilderberg Meeting on Saturday, June 3 in Chantilly, Virginia starting at […]
BILDERBERG: What’s the Big Deal?
Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor (Photo: World Economic Forum/Remy Steinegger. Source: Wikicommons) At this year’s Bilderberg meeting, over 130 top executives from banks, financial firms, multinational corporations, media organisations and governments are conferring behind closed doors. Actually this happens every year, and the mainstream media barely gives it a glance […]
TODAY’S COLUMN: Silicon Bilderberg, Trump’s Climate Departure, FOIA Fob-Offs and Saudi Sectarian Fail
Bilderberg is underway this week with some new faces and trends at the elite confab but the meeting is being overshadowed by Trump’s withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and the globalists’ emerging ‘City State’ agenda, and a failed US-Saudi Summit in the Middle East. UK Column also looks at the Tory’s election woes, and also […]
BILDERBERG: More Secret Meetings with Trump Advisors, US Senators
Mark AndersonThe Truth Hound The danger-ridden, tyrannical goal of creating an all-consuming corporate-ruled world superstate dubbed ‘One World Ltd.’ -incrementally advanced since Bilderberg first met in Holland in 1954 under the auspices of Jesuit-trained European consolidator Joseph Retinger and his agent, Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands – explains why Bilderberg goes to such lengths to […]
Secretive Bilderberg Group Meetings Begin in Virginia
A secretive group of elite power brokers is meeting in the US state of Virginia for closed-door discussions over four days. The Bilderberg Meetings have 131 participants from 21 countries in Europe and North America, the group said in a press release. A couple of top advisers to President Donald Trump are to attend the […]
Bilderberg 2017 Is Here: The Rockefeller/Rothschild Hub Meets To Discuss Trump’s Presidency
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights […]
BILDERBERG: Who Benefits?
Bilderberg 2017 will take place at the Westfields Marriot in Chantilly, Virginia, June 1-4. The annual gathering features industrial magnates, silicon valley tech giants, and political and economic luminaries, including economic ministers (G7, G20 etc.), the World Economic Forum, and leaders of other multilateral globalist groups. Here, our elected officials collude in secret with billionaire elites and […]
List of globalists attending Bilderberg 2017 and their agenda
Agenda talking points and a list of participants for the upcoming 65th annual Bilderberg globalist confab have been announced. A press release from the official website shows leaders of finance, media and politics will converge in Chantilly, Virginia at the Westfields Marriott starting this week from June 1-4. Members who attend conferences […]
Bilderberg Discussion Paper: Some Implications of the World Company
I propose to approach the subject of the “internationalization of business” by considering what I shall arbitrarily call the “world company.” This terminology seems to me more descriptive and less awkward than such expressions as the “international” or “multinational” corporation or company. A “world company, ” as I use the term, is a […]
COMMENTARY: Bilderberg 2017 – Secret Meeting Of Global Leaders Could Prove A Problem For Trump
The secretive three-day summit of the political and economic elite kicks off on Thursday in heavily guarded seclusion at the Westfields Marriott, a luxury hotel a short distance from the Oval Office. The hotel was already on lockdown on Wednesday, and an army of landscapers have been busy planting fir trees around the perimeter, to […]