In this book, Benton L. Bradberry paints a different picture of world history. He explains that Germany was not the perpetrator of World War I nor World War II, but instead, was the victim of Allied aggression in both wars. The instability wrought by World War I made the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia possible, […]
Posts Tagged ‘benton’
Rot in Hell, Kansas and Maine! You Cuckold Fags!
March 6th, 2016 Awake Goy
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 6, 2016 A vote for the lip-glob is a vote for Goldman Sachs. Great job, Kansas and Maine. Last night, Kansas and Maine betrayed America. I am sickened. Seriously. I can’t even. Cruz got 64 delegates. Trump got 49. These are White states. We have been betrayed. The children of this […]