It seems there could never be enough empathy and compassion in our world, but we are starting to discover that our capacity to share the emotions of others and take their perspective comes with a bit of a sting if we’re not careful. by Josh Richardson If we get caught up on the misfortunes of […]
Posts Tagged ‘barcode’
How to Avoid Empathy Burnout When Surrounded by Pain
May 28th, 2016 Awake Goy
Posted in Jewish News, World News Tags: barcode, coming, commonplace, Kids, mainstream, Media, microchipping No Comments »
QUIT FACEBOOK!… Mark Zuckerberg Admits Controlling Everything You See!
October 9th, 2015 Awake Goy
Stop using Facebook and their controlling social manipulation! Facebook isolates everyone into groups that are allowed to interact with each other because they already share similar views. If you do not share similar views with another person, your posts will not show up in their feed and theirs will never show in yours. You will […]