Posts Tagged ‘barack’

Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to cause maximum violence?

(Natural News) As Democrats and Left-wing “progressive” anti-gun activists continue to push for gun bans and other erosions of the Second Amendment following the terrible mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday, it is well to remember that, once upon a time, a pair of notable Democrats did their best to ensure that kind of […]

TRUTH GOES MAINSTREAM: Barack Obama is Gay – Michelle is Transgender

Corporate “Fake News” was amazingly successful at suppressing the dangerous closet sexual identity of Barack and Michelle for eight years but the reign of fake news suppression is over. Whistleblower, Larry Sinclair has provided solid testimony of Barack’s use of crack cocaine while engaging in sex acts with identified homosexual men. This secrecy allowed the […]

Master bullsh – ter Barack Obama calls President Trump "a bullsh – ter"

     Liberal left Obama worship rises in unison with Trump hate. We can only guess that it takes one to know one. Obama is a neo-liberal’s wet dream, while Trump is their worst nightmare. People Magazine dedicated their cover story this month to the former POTUS…aka the “cool, even-keeled, no-drama Barack Obama.” In the People […]

Barack Obama makes bizarre claim that climate change will cause a refugee crisis that’s "unprecedented in human history"

(Natural News) If you pay close attention to the way liberals talk about climate change, you will notice that the majority of the time they use just two persuasion techniques to get the rest of us to buy into their agenda: Emotion and scare tactics. Though such persuasion methods lack any real facts or evidence, […]

Kicking Against the Establishment: It’s Time for Truth in Media

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Bush-Blair and The Great Iraq War Fraud

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Feeble UFC Retracts Decision to Lifetime Ban Jew Reporter After Tribal Backlash

Boxdog HadokenDaily Stormer June 19, 2016 (((Ariel Helwani))), mixed martial arts journalist Just when I thought the UFC was going to start gassing all kikes. Note: Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is owned and managed by Aryans: The Fertitta Brothers and Dana White. The UFC has recently come under attack by the mainstream media after they […]

Infant assaulted with 8 vaccine doses at six months old… collapses into state of brain damage… doctors blame the parents!

(NaturalNews) Desperate to share her story, a Texas mother is speaking out about the traumatic injuries her young daughter sustained after being injected at six months old with a total of eight vaccine doses. About a month after infant Cerenity received the DTaP/Hib/IPV (5-in-1 combo), hepatitis B, pneumococcal Prevnar 13, and the oral […]

Tax Havens: The New Old Scapegoat – Again

The very recent hot top story in the news involving tax havens and offshore banking is of course the  Panama Papers shenanigan. A Panamanian law firm had their files hacked, their clients exposed and naturally the mainstream press is running with constantly changing new revelations and updates about corrupt politicians (politicians are corrupt? […]

BREAKING: This LEFTIST HATE Group Threatens To Do THIS To Trump Supporters, And OBAMA Is Funding Them

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – We have another anti-Trump group of scumbags that are calling themselves “Democracy Spring” and they have issued a threat to the patriots that are fed up with the way America has been trashed by Obama and the filthy liberal agenda. They are threatening to stage marches along the East […]

Trump Was RIGHT: Look Who Wants To BAN Muslim Immigration NOW… Liberals Are FURIOUS

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – We never get tired of saying “Donald Trump was right” and that’s a good thing because I have a feeling we will be saying it a hell of a lot more before this battle is finished. When Trump called for a temporary halt to allow Muslims into the country […]

BOMBSHELL: This MASSIVE Police Cover-Up Over Muslim “Refugees” Just Exposed… SPREAD THIS

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – As you know, many European cities are reporting Muslim refugee mobs sexually assaulting young girls and women. So much for “peaceful migrants.” On New Year’s Eve in Bielefeld an “aggressive sex-mob” of 500 men forced their way into a nightclub and attacked several women, reports Bild. In Baden-Wurttemburg four Syrian asylum seekers aged […]

Multiculturalism and Gender Bending: Weapons of Mass Destruction

In the UK there seems to be an idea that being born here, or simply having a British passport, actually makes someone British. Nothing could be further from the truth. I get fed up when in a discussion about immigrants in the UK someone says “well they have British passports!” As if that gives […]

BREAKING: Obama Announces Unconstitutional Gun Control, But Did NOT See THIS Coming

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – The Republican National Committee is FINALLY taking steps to IMPEACH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA! What took you people so damn long for God’s sake? It’s true folks.  In the resolution, which appears to have been drafted by the North American Law Center, is to be weighed up at a January […]

ISIS On Revenge Killing Spree Following Loss Of Ramadi To Iraqi Forces

Having lost Ramadi to Iraqi army troops and allied volunteer forces, ISIS have reportedly gone on a revenge killing spree in areas under its control. The satellite television network al-Sumaria News reported that the terrorists executed dozens of civilians, including women and children, in a village in the al-Qiara district of the Nineveh province on […]

BREAKING: U.S. Military Has Major ISIS Targets Mapped… Obama Refuses to Strike For THIS Reason

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– ISIS is on a terror campaign unlike ever seen and the savage jihad group has been allowed to spread their violent terrorism throughout the Middle East and the rest of the world virtually unchecked. They have successfully recruited members through social media and have lured these wanna-be ISIS members by putting […]

It’s Time to Stop “Supporting Our Troops”: Thirty Million People Killed by U.S. Since the End of World War II

With the 115 year old tradition of the annual Army-Navy football classic on Saturday, the so called “America’s game” and “rivalry for the ages” is now once again upon us. This occasion never fails to pay reverent homage to America’s so called “cream of the crop” elitist military academies and always from the president to […]

A Case for Sanity: Italy Is Pushing Back on Renewed EU Sanctions Against Russia

EU officials are hoping to renew its economic sanctions against Russia. This can only mean one thing: More economic pain for Europe. The current round of EU sanctions is due to expire on January 31, 2016. The trade ban includes cutting Russia off from European funding sources, industrial trade, food, energy and oil, as well […]

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