(NaturalNews) As inflation continues to climb in Canada, the government has resorted to threatening grocery stores in a bid to get them to artificially reduce… Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘artificially’
Canadian government THREATENS Costco and Walmart to artificially lower food prices to combat inflation
The US Economy Is Still Being Artificially Supported By Trillions In COVID Stimulus
Last week Joe Biden announced that $1 billion in federal grants would be generated for manufacturing, clean energy, farming, biotech and other industries in 21 regional partnerships across the US. The money is part of a $1.9 trillion covid relief package that was instituted way back in March of 2021. That’s right, if you thought the covid […]
Samsung caught artificially inflating the performance of their smart phones
People in corporations lie to you, they lie to you a LOT! The problem for you is to ‘just’ catch them out. Amazon lies. Apple lies. Facebook lies. Google lies. Microsoft lies. Samsung lies. Samsung just got caught out, in this case with regards to the performance of their smart phones See more within: Views: […]
US farmers paid 1.5 x their crop value to destroy it – how to artificially create a food shortage
This is not new. Part of the plan. Remember Kissinger’s infamous quote about controlling food equaling controlling populations. That’s what they’re about right now with their plandemics and push to get jabbed. It’s not about your health people. This surely illustrates it. They have some lame conservation climate rationale which I wouldn’t buy one bar […]
CDC alters PCR testing guidelines to artificially boost vaccine “efficacy”…
Truth2Freedom’s Blog • Natural News – Lance Johnson (Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are using deliberate acts of deception, medical fraud and data manipulation to artificially boost the appearance of “efficacy” for the new mRNA vaccine experiments. The fraud is out in the open as of May 1, 2021 because the CDC made […]
Russia Suggests UK Possessed Nerve Agent That Is “Quite Artificially” Being Linked to Moscow
LONDON – Russian officials are voicing a full-throated dismissal of British accusations that Russia used a nerve agent referred to as “Novichok” in an attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The Russian Ambassador to the U.K., Alexander Yakovenko, is further charging London with making accusations in poor faith, while raising questions […]
Bitcoin prices artificially pumped up by Bitfinix "Tether" fraud?
(Natural News) Cryptocurrency woes seem to be on the rise as more and more online exchanges come under fire for what some say are questionable business practices. The latest one to land in the regulatory crosshairs is Bitfinex, a cryptocurrency exchange that’s being accused of artificially propping up the price of Bitcoin […]
New research exposes the risks of geoengineering to artificially intervene in global warming: It may devastate the planet
(Natural News) Geoengineering, also known as climate engineering, is exactly what it sounds like. This engineering involves using technology to manipulate the climate system and counter the effects of global warming. Though sound in theory, researchers from the University of Exeter have discovered that the application of geoengineering in one hemisphere could lead to massive […]
Artificially Sweetened Drinks Found To Triple Your Risk of Stroke & Dementia
By Arjun Walia Artificial sweeteners have been a controversial topic for a long time, and despite a harsh industry response, multiple studies have implicated them in a host of health issues, including diabetes and cancer. Now, a new study has emerged out of Boston University showing that drinking diet soda regularly nearly triples your risk […]
Artificially Sweetened Drinks (Aspartame, etc.) Found To Triple Your Risk of Stroke & Dementia
Next Story Artificial sweeteners have been a controversial topic for a long time, and despite a harsh industry response, multiple studies have implicated them in a host of health issues, including diabetes and cancer. Now, a new study has emerged out of Boston University showing that drinking diet soda regularly nearly triples your risk of […]
Was Hurricane Harvey Artificially Intensified by Geoengineering Programs?
Terence Newton, Staff WriterWaking Times Weather modification is one of the most public secrets of the military industrial complex. Cloud-seeding and atmospheric spraying, for example, are well-documented and backed up historical accounts, and are often discussed in mainstream media. Yet, for some reason, the issue is unbearably difficult for most people to even consider. Perhaps […]
Heat Waves Artificially Created By Carbon Black Dust, Not CO2, & Documents Prove It
This Is Carbon Black Dust Anyone believing in the mainstream Global Warming/Climate Change Hysteria, at this point, with how obvious what is taking place in the sky, are Dangerous Fools. Sources and Documents to support the videographer’s findings: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 Weather Modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy Black […]
A Structural-Anarchism Critique of Automation In Relation To Artificially Fabricated Price, Value and Wage
Part One Karl Marx has always claimed that the introduction of machinery within the capitalist labor-process was orchestrated to cheapen commodities and in the process also to cheapen labor-power. As he states, in Capital (Volume One), the use of machinery [is] for the exclusive purpose of cheapening the product ,1 that is, the commodity, and […]
Artificially Intelligent Painters Invent New Styles of Art
Painters like Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso transformed art by inventing new styles such as impressionism and cubism. Could a machine do the same? Perhaps, now that the public has given the thumbs up to unconventional images created by an artificial intelligence. The idea is to make art that is “novel, but not too novel”, […]